Are bongs bad for you?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by chouninman, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. Apparently water goes into your lungs when you pull a cone

    Fact or Fiction?? :confused:
  2. Lol not true at all. Even if it was you would cough it out.
  3. Erm it's not the water that's bad for you - it's the smoke.
  4. Water goes in and out of your lungs with every breath you take. Water vapor in the air goes in. Your body also loses water through breathing because of the moist surfaces in your lungs.

    And as the poster above me said, if you inhale liquid water, you'd just cough it out.
  5. What? No dude I don't get water in my lungs
  6. Bongs are GREAT for you.
  7. only "bad" when you put ice in them supposedly

    however the fact that your throwing about a litre of thick smoke in there completely blows any negative effects ice has out of the water

    so toke away my friend
  8. What did you have for breakfast?
  9. well they aren't good for you per-say
  10. can you get lung cancer from weed?
  11. Smoking anything is bad for you. But compared to a joint or blunt it's not any worse.

  12. no :laughing:
    don't quote me on this, but i'm if you're a regular smoker you're something like 60% less likely to develop cancer. (not sure on the actual %)
  13. Perhaps it is true that smoking weed won't lead to cancer, but that's not to say that it's not going to have any other negative effects. The part of the smoke that is cannabinoids, the essential oils that get you high, may have wonderful medicinal properties, but the rest of the burnt plant matter that makes up smoke certainly is no good for you.
  14. There are a few people in my family that have been smoking weed for years and years, and the ONLY thing that's remotely wrong with them is that they just have a lower lung capacity than most.

  15. You ask anyone who has made the full switch from smoking to vaping and/or edibles about whether smoking is harmful. The smoking of weed definitely has negative effects. I'm not saying it's necessarily as harmful as tobacco smoke, but the fact is that there are various gasses and other substances produced which are 100% known to be toxic. Look up polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

    I'm not passing judgement on anyone here or telling them what to do. I smoked weed for years before switching to vaping and edibles - so feel free to do what you want. But you're kidding yourself if you believe that inhaling burned plant matter has no significant downsides.
  16. Not bongs specifically. The smoke is the only thing you need to worry about it being 'bad' for the smoke effects your lungs. The healthier ways to get high would be to vaporize or eat edibles.

  17. I don't doubt that smoking is harmful, I've just never seen any negative side effects first-hand.

  18. Yeah, I'm not claiming that bongs are any worse for you than joints. They may be, but they might not be too - I don't know the answer to that one.
  19. #20 BadKittySmiles, Sep 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2011

    With a joint, everything that would normally would stick to the side of your pipe, and 'taint' your bong-water, ends up right in your lungs. Knowing that, and where inert plant matter is more readily removed by water than non-water-soluble cannabinoids, it stands to reason that bongs cause a subtraction, rather than an addition of baddies versus a joint (or even a dry pipe). :)

    As far as the original topic goes, many people (usually not including asthmatics, but even some folks with asthma) use humidifiers to help their breathing, and compared to a bong, you'd be inhaling much more water in a steam room (or even after a few hours of boating or sailing) than you would in the average bong sesh. :p

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