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apprentice tokers guide to smoking in a dorm room

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by buffalo toker, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. Hey there Grasscity members, some of us are faced with a problem, smoking in a dorm room environment. At most colleges there are rules that forbid smoking in your tiny dorm room, and being from the east, herb is illegal. I was thinking that it would help some of the members if someone came up with a thread to help those who have the same problem.
    There are some tools that you will need,
    -a spoof (plastic bottle with holes at the bottom stuffed with dryer sheets), this will help to mask the odor
    -use a rolled up towl to block the bottom of your door
    -if your really paranoid you could have an air filter, but its not necessary
    -a plastic bag, which you can tape over the smoke alarm
    -a fan, it really does help to take care of the odor
    The way that you burn the herb also is a factor if your smoking in a dorm
    -Blunts and joints are out of the question, you should never use this in a dorm room if you are looking to be a ninja smoker. Obviously it would be noticeable outside your room.
    -bowls/chillums/bubblers are very effective, they don't give off alot of spare smoke if your careful
    -gravity-bongs are the easiest way to get extremely high, they have little to no smoke that leaves the piece
    -water-pipe (bong)- Are not the best piece you can be using, they give off alot of spare smoke, and if you have a decent size piece it would be difficult to hide
    -vaporizers are very effective since they don't burn the herb, they are easily conceilable and are healthy
    Also, it is best if you keep you glass and other things locked up in a personal safe, since the school is not authorized to open your private safe.
    When your smoking make sure you use the spoof and air freshner, the odor neutralizer is the best, it works wonders in eliminating the odor. Open all windows, especially the hallway windows since it will make it impossible for people in the hall to notice any odors. When your done and the coast is clear I like to have my door and window open and it make a cross breeze which airs your room out completely. Also at college make sure you know when the RA's are on patrol, and avoid smoking during those times. Basically don't be stupid and keep everything clean and you'll do fine.

    If this is a duplicate thread let me know and I'll remove it. Feel free to give helpful advice, it never hurts to learn something new. I hope this helps
    -buffalo toker

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