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Apprentice Toker's Guide to buying large amounts

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ElectricRainbow, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. Now remember this can pretty much work with anything over a ounce if you're buying pounds that's a whole different ball game and I don't think I can help you but please if your a Apprentice toker then please do not try to buy pounds its a good way to end up robbed/serious jail time/or even killed.

    Okay see you got your average high school dealer that you buy from every day or maybe once a week. You like the guy he's really reliable and never dry. You've hung out with him a couple times smoked a few jays here and there but you know that if you're gonna buy some weight he might try to pull something stupid and rip you off.

    We'll That's where I try to help you out bro because we're friends right? No, well then fuck you.

    So then anyways lets move on, First things first you have to buy a scale. You know? Those little things your dealer uses? If he doesn't then just tell him to fuck off and never buy from him again but anyways so your gonna go to the headshop or maybe your local gas station (Arab's always run those kinds of stores) and buy a scale so you know how much you are getting.

    Second you're going to be compelety upfront with your dealer and if you aren't then they will make your wallet their personal bank. So your gonna call/text your dealer and say "Yo homie G Can I get some sparkling dog peni" nah I'm kidding, your really gonna say this "Hey man I was thinking about buying some weight can you hook me up?"

    You also have to be clear with him that your bringing a scale and if the weight's aren't right then you will have zero business with him anymore.
    So once you have that out of the way your gonna buy a test ounce to see if he pulls through on his end. If he is up to speed and everything is gucci then it seem's that you're guy is willing to service you.

    Now all you kids stay safe with your pot adventures. Up up and away i'm gone
    to smoke a blunt. :D
  2. hmmmm i dont know about this dude.
  3. tl;dr: Buy a scale.
  4. I used to go with my friend who deals and this is what pretty much happened between all the dealers that were at the location, everyone had scales, cups for nugs, baggies, it was like the ultimate dealer meeting i was in awe none the less.

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