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Apartment smoking

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by kidugly, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Looking for advice on how to smoke without you're neighbors smelling it
  2. I go on the roof 
  3. 1 no joints or blunts at all, can not hide the smell
    2 Make a sploof

  4. #4 Pickle McSmurf, Nov 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
    Vape, sploof, lysol

    Also If you are really worried just cook something in the oven while smoking/Vaping

    Smellier the better, fish works great

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. I would recommend getting some glade candles or Yankee candles. I light one before I toke and it covers the smell well. Also a sploof helps. I toke in my bathroom with a towel under the door, exhaust fan running and shower on as hot as it goes. If I smoke during the day then I get a quarter and after I take a hit immediately cover to the bowl to keep it from smoldering. But 3 things for sure:
    1. Candles or incense
    2. Sploof
    3. Quarter to keep bowl from giving off excess smoke.
    Ps I would recommend not smoking joints or blunts as they give off a lot of smoke which obviously gives off a stronger stench
    I would recommend getting some glade candles or Yankee candles. I light one before I toke and it covers the smell well. Also a sploof helps. I toke in my bathroom with a towel under the door, exhaust fan running and shower on as hot as it goes. If I smoke during the day then I get a quarter and after I take a hit immediately cover to the bowl to keep it from smoldering. But 3 things for sure:
    1. Candles or incense
    2. Sploof
    3. Quarter to keep bowl from giving off excess smoke.
    Ps I would recommend not smoking joints or blunts as they give off a lot of smoke which obviously gives off a stronger stench
  6. i live in my apartment, and i can honestly say just use a bong or pipe, as soon as your toke, put ur thumb over the weed so no smoke enters the room, and blow it out the window or play it safe make a joint n go for a walk or go in the back n smoke
  7. Get a vaporizer
  8. I smoke in my bathroom. Cook food on the stove or light a candle in my livingroom. Turn the fan on in the bathroom and take snaps through a bong blowing the smoke at the exhaust fan. Has worked for me for years
  9. Thank you for this sir, very smart!
  10. Thank you everyone im going to give these all a try and I'm saving up to get a good vaporizer
  11. Just blow the smoke out the window and spray. If I get lazy sometimes I'll blow my smoke into a combined stream of spray and it doesn't smell at all. Sploofs work great and so do vapes.
  12. I moved into my first apartment about a year ago. It's a studio and I have been smoking pretty much everyday all day in there and have not gotten a single complaint. I live in Washington though so I don't know if that helps my situation.. I do not use a sploof, but if i do decide to smoke more than one blunt at a time then I put this box infront of my heater incase the smoke seeps into there..
    oh also I switched to smoking bho and wax almost exclusively and the smells dissipates much quicker than flower and a lot less strong.
  13. It's not that joints and blunts give off a stronger stench its that they are constantly burning and that's all smoke that's not going through a sploof.

    For a sploof I would recommend, no wait, ONLY use activated carbon otherwise you're just covering up the smell and anybody who isn't stupid is gonna know what's up
  14. #14 HiRoller26, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    do u have a balcony? if you do go on ur balcony where no one can see u (a blind spot, crouch below the railing) shut the door behind you and begin to smoke but blow the smoke through a sploof. No one can ever prove it was u smoking if they cant see u, and not allowing them to smell it is just a courteous thing.
    if you dont have a balcony but a window instead, turn your air conditioning on to make it colder than outside or warmer then outside depending on where u live. The air should be getting sucked through the window. Put a towel at the crack underneath ur front door and smoke up blowing the smoke through a sploof and out the window. it will not come back in due to all the air rushing out 
    What they cant smell or see wont hurt them ;)
  15. Go outside, garage, balcony... 
    or get a vaporizer.
  16. Set thier garage on fire to distract them from the smell.
    Or you could always sneak in their house and rub dog shit on thier upper lip while they sleep.
  17. To be honest, none of this will work. In the average apartment complex, you can smell weed from about 10 apartments away from the source. Most of the time, no one cares. I was lucky in my apartment complex, because everyone was smoking, so you couldn't trace the smell to any one place. Hell, our dealers were in the apartment above us. I guess it matters how nice the apartment is. Ours was in a bad area, and the cops had much bigger things to worry about than a little weed.
  18. Just get a vaporizer
  19. ...what?

    I've never once had a problem if sticking to glass, I light a candle but take no other precautions. Just get a feel for what the place is like, how your neighbors are, etc. and go from there.
  20. #20 tranceholic, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    i find smoking joint/bong hits will smell no matter what, even if you use stupid sploof it will just smell like dryer sheet and weed.
    the best way is in bathroom with a fan or open window. towel under door, lit a candle, use vaporizer and blow into smoke buddy. if you are still paranoid, just take a warm shower.

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