Anyone wanna blaze?

Discussion in 'General' started by ebola weed, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. #1 ebola weed, Dec 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2012

  2. We're not allowed to invite others to cam/chat rooms through GC. Sorry buddy :/

    Not trying to be the debbie-downer, but it's one of those unwritten rules. Felt like I should let you know bout it.
  3. [quote name='"DrSheldonCooper"']We're not allowed to invite others to cam/chat rooms through GC. Sorry buddy :/

    Not trying to be the debbie-downer, but it's one of those unwritten rules. Felt like I should let you know bout it.[/quote]

    I had no clue this was a rule, guess you learn something new everyday
  4. Ive got some bodacious b cups for a dude and thank you sheldon, you saved me from possibly getting banned lol
  5. i am a recovering addict. I have smoked half a joint every 2 days for the past 2 weeks. The government said it would rot my brain. They were right. I want to blaze

  6. What happened to taco orgy?
  7. No no, thank you Sheldon for saving us from seeing the aforementioned b cups :D
  8. Hey, once you see my tits, youll fall in love with me.
  9. i sparked it up
  10. as far as i know, taco orgy is still on.
  11. These conversations make so much more sense after I've blazed

  12. Heh, me too. Seriously. Is weed addictive?

  13. Ewwww.

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