Anyone like to longboard/skate?

Discussion in 'General' started by 370z420, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Do any of you guys like to just smoke a couple bowls and go longboarding or to the skatepark?
  2. I loooove longboarding. Fuck winter :(
  3. I was about to go out and there is salt all over the roads
  4. Nothing beats blowing an L at like 1 am at the top of a parking garage, then going longboarding/ garage hunting all night!
  5. Yep! Smoke one or two bowls then cruise around town and campus on my longboard. The wind feels great
  6. Smoke some out of the bong, then go skate flatground & cruise in the streets. Nothin like it.
  7. Skating when baked is amazing your really feel the wind in your hair and face plus you really notice all the things you see and going a short distance feels like flying forever you the bird of the land man...
  8. That^

    But for real boarded 2 hours straight didn't even feel like it

    Felt like I was floating at points
  9. I've always been interested in longboarding, but suck at skating. So just haven't tried it yet. I love to snowboard though, as I grew up in colorado and started boarding when I was 5.
  10. something relevant
    cruiser decks are the way to go  bro! you will fucking love that shit.
    I still flatground street skate but i love my penny board and my  cruiser boards a hell of a lot more than my longboard.
  12. do you use fatty wheels on your cruiser..? i was gonna just gonan cop some size 56 softies
  13. I like to longboard.
    I need a new one though
  14. I love riding my cheech and chong shred sled.
  15. Longboarding baked is awesome, skating not so much... If you're just cruising around its fun, but if I actually try to do any tricks I fail helplessly...
  16. I used to when I was a teenager. I would if I still had a board.
  17. I need a longboard badly now, surrounded by steep hills that my shortboard just can't handle.  Little fucker can't even do 25 mph without gettin wobbles
  18. Hell yeah.
    skating feels amazing after a bowl, especially with some good music~
    I just cruise when im high tho

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