Anyone know about Suzy Q?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by seebeedee, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. I bought seeds from pacificseedbank. Out of the same package It seems I have two different strains.
    One has narrow leaves and has started to flower. The other is a deeper green, has fatter leaves and stalk and has yet to show pistils.
    I can't find much specific descriptions about Suzy Q. 20190717_173922-1134x2016[1].jpg 20190717_173850-1134x2016[1].jpg Should I guess that one of these is an imposter?
    I'm growing these for my wife and daughter and am only interested in CBD oil. I don't want my 15yr old tripping at school.
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  2. Proablly 2 diffrent phenotypes healthy looking plants though nice grow. I dont know Anything about just extracting cbd is this strain supposed to not have much thc?
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  3. Tripping at school??... its weed man not acid haha.. anyway if CBD is what your looking for then you need the right strains.. try "lifter" they actually sell the flower CBD of it in my local smoke shop... myself personally i found 2 seeds and will give them a grow in the future.. as for just CBD oil, i make THC vape juice of my own i couldnt imagine it would be made much different then that..

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  4. They are feminized seeds and yes, they both look female.
    This is my first grow and I'm a little nervous about them finishing before the fall freeze(Michigan grow).
    I was thinking about making some sort of tent to force flower with light deprivation but since one has already started, I'll just let nature take it's course.
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  5. 50/50 hybrid you proablly just got 2 phenos i dont know if that affects the cbd/thc contents of either maybe someone with more exp in the subject will chime in .
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  6. Thats not a bad idea...

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  7. I'm guessing I should remove any horizontal branches?
    These things can stop growing anytime, I have 3.5gal reservoir and on hot days they empty daily.
    Good problems? I can't leave them for more than 2 days. 20190730_130031-907x1612.jpg
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  8. Michigan here too. Nice healthy plants. We have a good growing season through much of the state. Preventing mold late season is the biggest challenge growing outside in Michigan. Keeping them dry in September and October (maybe November) with good airflow is my advice. I also spray periodically with actinovate and serenade until flowers set. Good luck!
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  9. I would clear out the low stuff and the stuff way up inside that gets no sun. Also any fan leaves that tend to bunch or rub together. Increases airflow and gives mold fewer places to hide.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Thanks! Good to hear area specific advice!
    November!?! That's a long way off! These guys wont last a freeze....will they?
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  11. They will survive two frosts, unless they are super cold. After two frosts, the colors look great. Michigan is cool like that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. #14 puffnstuff1960, Jul 31, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    Michigan also. Nice looking plants. One does look to be Sativa dominate (long skinny leaves) and the other Indica dominate.
    I would think seriously on covering them up when or before the buds start to form. It'll save you a lot of grief IME. As WeedOrchard said they will survive a couple lite frost its the moisture that'll get you.
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  13. I'm assuming a glass roof such as a green house would be best, otherwise shading is an issue.
    With the sun being lower in the sky in the coming months, possibly just have a high reflective ceiling?
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  14. You could make a cheap cover with four little pieces of rebar, five pieces of PVC and two PVC Tees. Use the rebar as stakes. Slide the PVC pieces on the rebar and bend them over to connect with the Tees. Then pull clear plastic over it. PART95153507110050395IMG952018082395203640.jpg
    Plenty of ways to do it. Good luck!
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  15. This is the reinforced plastic that I use from a few years ago. It'll last one hole season or more if you want. I put new on every year. It sucks to have a leak. There usually right above a nice bud VOE.


    This is what I put it on.
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  16. Two different phenotypes, same strain would be my guess.
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  17. Cheap and quick! I'm on board!
    If this grow is successful, I'll make something more permanent.
    I worry about the wind picking it up during a storm. Seems to be parachute-like.
  18. Puffnstuff, that's pretty opaque. So you get indirect light all during flower? Those walls look like they may block low angle sun.
    My girls are getting direct sun from about 10:30 to 7:30. Could be why they are so thirsty.

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