Anyone into stocks?

Discussion in 'General' started by Mr Info, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. Anything involving risk is a gamble if you'd like to be technical about it, but you don't wake up every morning considering a gamble of your future because you chose to put cream cheese on your bagel...What quickly separates a professional from a hobbyist is the ability to invest a wealth of knowledge, and not just dollars into an account and meet the benchmark for "fun". You may have answered the question, but you didn't really provide any support for the merit to sustain. Think of it as a game of chess, the further ahead you can look, the better you'll be.
  2. You have to use a valuation model to get an expected value of the stock by looking at its cash flows and other information, that will tell you if its under/over valued.
  3. The statistics I use when playing poker are just the same I learned about in finance class. theyre really one and the same.

  4. do that if your goal is to lose all your money. trust me, not one of the 3 things you said makes a good 'investment' and judging from your questions you're not sophisticated enough to time short term trades.

    if you have a lot of money then you should diversify across several asset classes like bond/stock/commodities/options. or put your money in a hedge fund.

    if you dont have a lot then you can buy a mutual fund or buy some shares of a large company like coca cola and take the dividends and capital gains and reinvest that. and eventually you can make enough money to diversify.
  5. Get off your soap box and read a book or two before you continue with your uneducated drivel. Just because you sat down one day and watched a documentary doesn't make you an expert on the subject.

  6. um... have you ever googled what a derivative security is? it seems like a lot of people know what they are.
  7. My trading account has like an option to filter price per share. Obviously you want to filter it to the lowest amount per share in a particular market.

    Last time I traded a penny stock, I found some silver mining company in Asia. It was a roller coaster all day long just like gambling. One minute I would be up like a few hundred and then down.

    Maybe also look into after hours trading because that was one area of the game I really didn't understand.

    Oh yeah, another thing people don't realize is just because you buy say 1,000 shares of company X, doesn't mean you can just sell them whenever because someone has to be on the other end to buy them.
  8. Um let's see...

    1. I've played the markets before
    2. I've done the amateur gambling thing
    3. I have the perspective of the average investor

    Just because you have some wild dream of making millions on Wall Street or spent 4 years doing some overrated finance degree doesn't mean you know it all.
  9. But if he has done something like that, then he definitely knows more than you, and if he didn't, well he still shows more competence on the topic than you do, so either way don't knock him. Looks like you don't care to put the effort into knowing more, but still feel the need to defend your case to no end, when clearly it's fucking dumb and insulting to those who are legitimately trying to offer a helpful perspective to someone interested. The average investor actually is persistent, you seem to be that guy that tried to hit the jackpot and screwed up.
  10. Numbering your shitty credentials (if you can call them that) makes you sound like a giant douche, just saying. Yes, I've done all of those things. But unlike yourself I have the perspective of the educated investor who actually knows what he's talking about. I never mentioned that I had some kind of outlandish dream, nor did I claim to know it all. Let's stick with the facts here, being that all I said is you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, which is blatantly obvious to anyone who has more than a very elementary understanding of the subject. Just give it up.
  11. No rage, just talk guys...

    And I'm going to be investing in silver no matter what (physical by the coin)... This is for inflation protection, not for profit.

    I'm really interested in penny stocks now
  12. lmao i have seen you post this AT LEAST three times now. dont you have real life friends you can brag about your piddly lil' 15k to?
  13. No. not really. I've also been plagued with poverty my whole life. You don't know what it's like to have that kind of cushion, I am very proud of what I have done with my money that I was so fortunate to get.

    And silver is what I would invest in if I were going to go for a commodity. The prices are rising and will continue to.
  14. this stuffs pretty cool. my dad has a friend who got rich from stocks.

    how does one actually go about investing?
  15. go to a broker or day trading website
  16. Fair enough. sorry for being a dick, an grats. 15k isnt piddly, either, just razzin ya bout postin not what youve done.
  17. i like ankle high socks myself
  18. Hey guys I need to open a trade account asap. I've been watching a couple stocks and one of them ended 50%+ last night. And today it's at 25%+

    I'm thinking E trade. Any thoughts on them? Or is there a company that you think is better?
  19. i use scotia i trade, pretty sure thats the canadian etrade, its a good one

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