Anyone have any UFO stories?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by OODA, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. AS far as i go, i definitly believe strictly because it is a proven fact and i have seen them. Go back to this June, i was still residing in NJ and i was out in the back yard trying to get my CHarcoal BBQ to light (what a pain that was..anyway) and i am always looking for things to photograph, be it flowers bugs trees waht ever. as i was pondering if i should go get my camera i looked up and saw a plane flying over head and it was low enough it would have been a great picture..but i hesitated and decided no to go in..Good thing i did. I proceeded to watch the plane and at one point a silver ball perfectly spherical come into the picture and shows up behing the far side wing.. milliseconds later is cirlced the plane 2x and as it came around to the nose of the plane it made a move to waht i believe is the left and vanished. no noise no nothing just vanished out of thin air.

    As well my father and just 2 days ago my brothers best friend have seen a UFO in NJ. They both dont know eithers story yet they both described the same thing. My father saw it couple months ago but this kid saw it thursday.

    Overall i think its hard to believe that there is no other civilized life. Space is so big there is no way that we are one in a Gazillion. I mean think about it..its called space there is no ending it just keeps going..farther then the best telescope can magnify, theres no walls. If you think about how big the solar system is , just think to how small we
  2. wow i really hope they come an dont blow earth off that would piss me off
  3. There have been a lot of news stories recently on aliens. One of them says that astronomers may have found a planet not too far away that is life sustaining. And the other was about high ranking military officials testifying to seeing aliens in the late 1960s during the cold war. Apparently a red orb hovered over an army base and disabled the nuclear missiles while it was there.

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