Anyone get RCs online?

Discussion in 'General' started by killer4605, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Ok, so SWIM wants to order a few things but has only found one online source. And that was by google:rolleyes:.

    The site sells a few things that SWIM wishes to try out but does not know if the site is legit or bullshit considering the prices. For instance, 2c-i and 2c-c are ~100$/g. JWH products are ~45/500mg.

    Are these typical prices?

    Can someone (via pm, so as not to disclose the site publicly) verify that this is a non-bs seller?

    If anyone could help out, i'm sure SWIM would appreciate it:D
  2. Who's SWIM?
  3. #3 Elem3nt17, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2009
    Swim is some stupid bullshit douche bags use in order to say what they want without implicating themselves.


    Normal: "I want to buy some bongs and seeds off of the internet"

    Stupified: "Swim wants to buy some bongs and seeds off of the internet"
  4. SWIM



  5. I think it would help the legalization cause to be more honest and direct and just say "I". Noticeably, this forum tends to be different in that respect from most drug forums I've seen.

    I wonder why... I guess we're just pretty chill here. Either that or it's because the domain is located in The Netherlands.
  6. look this isn't a fucking thread about "SWIM" and whether or not you like the acronym.

    WEED is not the same as RCs. Not by a long shot.

    I expected better from GC.

  7. but we all smoke a lot of pot and don't do like weird hookups when people are so blatant about shit

    but SWIM doesn't care, really
  8. swim thinks swiy should calm down and do more research..

    theres forums for this exact situation but swim cant help swiy cuz swim doesnt know any of the sites,, swim just knows they exist!

    now i wanna go swimming..
  9. bah, it's snowing outside.
  10. don't forgot to bring a towel.
  11. #11 Ezav420, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2009
    yeah swim dont feel like swimming anymore..:smoke::smoke: but really though..

    check out that place for ya other drugs


    -please delete this post mods if its supporting competitor forum
  12. Its snowing here too(on the moon hehe), but anyhow... regardless of who's buying them, its legal as long as its not for human consumption. :cool: Make sure that before deciding to order anything from any online source, look them up on the appropriate vendor databases, run a whois on their domain, write them an email to see how professional they sound in their response, and also to see how fast they respond. You should also take a good look at their website: if they sell only compounds known for psychoactive effects, they generally will be busted quicker or shut down shop themselves sooner. This is not the case 100% of the time, but if you found it on google, that chance is certainly high.

    Remember, good sources for this stuff are out there, in abundance, but while you're starting out, make sure you only spend as much money as you're willing to flat out lose.

    Oh, and get a milligram scale, i still need to work on that.

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