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Anyone else sober tonight?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by amateurblazer, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. i had a sesh from 11 pm (yesterday) to 5 am but tonight im staying sober cause i wanna spend some time with my mother :) tomorrow im getting fucked up tho.
  2. All true but I'd rather turn to that then other things.. It's not too bad if you take it form the bowl and I have to admit I've been pretty high off of resin. But nothing close to just bud but id rather have resin then nothing
  3. This chick right here -.-

    And before I joined the forum there were 420 people viewing. I legit lol'd

  4. I saw that and I was really high so I HAD to take a picture of it.

    Attached Files:

  5. #25 Mr Unknown, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2011
    *cerrrr* Thats a big Negative good buddy. *cerrrr*

    You'd understand if your a trucker. :metal:
  6. Sober at the moment but I'm about to roll a few blunts. haven't decided if I'm going to smoke one of them or not yet though...
  7. I am, I've been complete sober for about two weeks now due to lack of connections. It really sucks man. I got cash, just nobody around to buy from. I'm about ready to drive four hours back to where I grew up to find a damn 1/4 or something.
  8. On the contrare, I am crossfaded tonight. :eek:
  9. I am sober tonight.

    Gonna be sober tomorrow.

    Le sigh.
  10. i hate trying to fall asleep not high..
    ive been dry/ sober for about 2 weeks now due to lack if bud money :(.
    but! i get my paycheck tomorrow and straight to the clinic i go! 8)
  11. sober here as well. no money :(. was gonna get paid 25 for moving some damn wood but the dude flaked out:(
  12. Well, I'm not toking...but I am sipping on a Sunny D Screwdriver. At 2AM. Fuck my life...
  13. sober rite now!

    :high 5: to everyone sober.

    :low 5: to complete the circle with the non sober folks.
  14. Sober now....smoked the last of my bud around noon...starting a t break to pass a drug test at the end of the month...
  15. Im sober tonight but it feels nice to be sober some nights, inebriated on others.
  16. Probation is raping me royally, stone cold sober over here D:
  17. been smoking all day and drank a 6 pack bought to blaze it again so thats a negative sorry.
  18. Mee :) On a t-break until tuesday, began today LOL not that long at all but hey its something
  19. Oh yeah, like I said last night, tonight is gonna be a good night. :D Anyone that was sober last night still sober or did u guys get some bud? Cuz I got a quarter of dank to smoke out my bong for later tonight :bongin:

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