Anyone else have an aquarium?

Discussion in 'Pets' started by megamax42, May 13, 2011.

  1. Tell me about it, shits more addicting then P's haha
  2. First monday with no classes :smoke:

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  3. I have those same shrimp... they're awesome to watch aren't they?
  4. speaking of shrimp, time to feed my fish :p
  5. What kinds of fish do you have?
    I used to feed these shrimp to my cousin's red belly piranhas because they breed so fast.
  6. #66 megamax42, May 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2011
    They're badass, they don't really seem to give a fuck about anything other than eating either, I can practically touch one before he swims away. One of mine is pregnant so I hope the other fish don't eat all the babies.

    I love Amano's work, he's the one that inspired me to go planted. I'll never get the lush hairgrass fields he has though :mad:.

    Aquascaping is such an art
  7. Don't worry about losing your baby shrimp. They breed like rabbits. How many do you have? I started with 10 and before I knew it I had hundreds.

    My underwater grassfield is looking pretty good. You just need strong lights, a good Co2 installation and some liquid ferilizer. A good dose of experience doesn't hurt either.
  8. Started with 5, I think 2 females but I can never remember lol.

    For a while it was doing really bad when I was waiting for my light to come in, but now I have 2 watts/gallon and everything is doing much better. The fastest growing plant is definitely the valisneria, one shoot has grown 4 inches over the past 3 days. I started a DIY CO2 injection (thats the CO2 hose the shrimp is on) and then just recently started dosing with trace elements. I think the biggest problem is the substrate, it's just sand all the way down, I was too lazy/anxious to wait for money to invest in proper substrate.
  9. I actually have 3 red belly piranhas haha. I really want mine to breed so i can sell them, i saw a person selling the babys for $3 a pop on craigslist, might have to have a side hustle to make a few extra bucks.
  10. A lot of plants don't require substrate. Underwater plants are able to take in nutrients throught their leaves.
    I used to have valisneria too, it drove me insane so I got rid of it. I spent at least 15 minutes a week just trimming the valisneria.

    I used to breed discus fish with my cousin and he wanted to breed his red bellies too but he lost interest, neglected them and had to give them away.
  11. heck yeah i got an aquarium, i love farmin my own sea food.
  12. Wait, really?
    You eat the animals in your aquarium?
  13. nah just kiddin... or was i??:eek::confused::yummy::p
  14. I know what I'm getting for the 210 peacock bass
  15. I used to have 5 baby piranhas... i put them in a jar of water while cleaning their tank and my sister poured them down the drain thinking it was an empty jar... that lying jerk.

  16. I'd like to see those redbellys vs a saber tooth tetra
  17. #77 megamax42, Jun 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2011
    Wish I had more space for another tank, because youtube has me hooked again.
    I don't know if it's this guys tank or how badass they are but I'm hooked on mudskippers, it almost makes me wanna go through the effort of maintaining brackish conditions. The thread to these pictures is here: Mudskipper paludarium project - Journals - Aquatic Plant Central

  18. that tank is incredible
  19. Right? 12 separate reservoirs, I think growing plants in them is badass too.
    Hmm.. maybe I'll convert my tank into a paludarium instead and go with
    something like salamanders.

    My girlfriend has been wanting a dwarf puffer really bad for our 5 gallon
    but feeding him frozen food would be annoying until I can start a culture of worms or something.
  20. That tank is fucking insane add some mudskippers a archer fish scats monos figure 8 puffers btw watch out for the dwarf puffers they're mean as fuck

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