Anyone else ever just want to drop everything and move to India?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by throshman, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. India is almost the polar opposite of what you described.
  2. I would drop everything and move to a farm in Arkansas

    Have a huge garden full of vegetables.
    Some cows, chickens, sheep, a couple dogs.
    At least 4 different strains of weed to grow, so I can mix and match whenever I feel like it.

    Chillin on my porch burning a blunt drinking a 40 as I watch the sun go down. It's beautiful.
  3. If I did I would break my bowl :smoking:
  4. Harvest Moon that shit.
  5. Screw India man im going to the Spanish countryside!!!!!
  6. #26 Mephysto, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2009
    It's funny you say India. because for a while now I (just like everyone else) have been getting sick of the society I live in. It's consumerism and gossip and neighbors and bullshit that I wanna pack up and move to British Columbia.

    I'd say that I'm an intelligent person, but my tolerance is plummeting, I want to just grow my own, smoke my weed and let the world move without me.

  7. yezzir

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