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anybody with crohn's disease who smokes blunts?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheoryisHIGH, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. i've heard mixed things from this, i've read some people smoke loads of blunts with crohn's and it doesn't affect their stomach even though it's tobacco paper, but then some people have said to stay away from it?
    any blunt smokers with crohn's around here?
  2. I know a guy with Crohn's that smokes blunts and doesn't have a problem, but I know other people that definitely can't. It's hit or miss, I think, much like most of the things with Crohn's.
  3. with the people who can't does it affect them straight away? or over time
  4. Usually right away from what I've heard. An irritant is an irritant.
  5. What about blunt wraps, do they have more tobacco? Or should I stick with actual cigarallo's?
  6. ok so yesterday me and my friend smoked 3 blunt wraps, it was some regs with hash mixed, and i didn't feel anything weird in my stomach then, does this mean i can smoke them whenever?
  7. If you're worried about it man, just don't smoke blunts. XL papers are just as good IMO, or you could use glass. It may be something you wont notice for a while. If you have Crohn's, you probably know your body pretty well, so you'll know if it's irritating you or causing any problems. If your stomach hurts in the future, just think: "What did I do different?"
  8. I have crohn's and I can smoke blunt after blunt ha
  9. ...can't you get an mmj card for having crohn's?

  10. yeah with ease, but i live in london where there's still no medical marijuana available :( hopefully there will be in the future

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