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Anybody use MJ to focus?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by soundslikeboxer, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. I've been having trouble concentrating in my classes recently and a lot of my friends who smoke say smoking helps them concentrate more. Usually when I smoke (just 1 or 2 gravity bong hits of good mids) I just get either lazy or hungry or sometimes too high to function.

    Should I try smoking a specific strain? (I'd have to buy seeds from a bank and grow them on my own. Not legal in VA :mad:)

    Should I try smoking a smaller dosage?

    Any of you guys have experience with smoking and being able to focus more?
  2. get a spoon, a pipe, a bowl its all the same thing... it will give you smaller dosages then a gravity bong, easier to control how much your hitting kinda...
  3. Oh HELLLL yes it does. Atleast for me:smoking:

    Just don't over do it before school. a hit or 2 of some dank is perfect for me.SAtiva preferably;)

    This one time i got high and caught up on all my work.And it's actually fun learning when your high,well to me.....i always write all my 5 page essays high......i dont think i could deal with collage with out it:hello:
  4. #4 mrgoodsmoke, Apr 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2010
    I got through college stoned as a monkey locked in a library room the size of a phone booth for almost 6 years focusing and studying pretty much constantly.

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