anybody here only vape? or only use edibles?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by CHR0N1C, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Vaping exclusively for about 2yrs. 

  2. Honestly, I don't get it when people say combustion gets them higher, I know everyones different, but the other night I burned 2 gs in the bong with my buddy and got just as high as when I vape 0.3 (usually also through bong)  pretty much every night.
    Combustion gives me a more tired dizzy high but I can still get ripped from it, it just takes like 3 times more. but for some reason if I exceed a certain amount with a vape I reach a crazy intense high that gets me on a whole other lever than combustion, while still remaining sharp clear, and focused. Until I burn out but I only burn out on vapor if I vaped a lot on a high temp.
    To me, it just feels like a blessing vaporizing is possible. I just fucking love it. 80% of my consumption at least.
  3. One thing I like about vaping is that it gives me an excuse to make edibles.
  4. It's good to see people enjoying the mflb, mines been collecting dust ever since the DBV arrived. When i can take my thick vapor hits, vapor is the only way to go. So much cleaner and the taste is astounding. I used to use the ABV for cooking, but never got buzzed. Now i'll toss it or if its indica dom. and doesnt vape well, i'll save it for iso to collect the CBD and CBN since they boil at higher temps then THC.
  5. for the first year that i used cannabis i solely vaporised. this is because i could only buy bud from contacts my bro knew, and because of my bad lungs he told them not to sell to me until i bought a vaporiser. now i smoke pipes, bongs, joints and vaporise too
  6. I pretty much keep all cannabis use done at home to vaping and use my pipe for nature/concerts etc. Occasionally Ill take a couple hits from the pipe when im at home though. I enjoy smoking a hit or two and then vaping a bit later, as the high starts to come down. I never vape with the mouthpiece, always do it through the bong.

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