Anybody got a minute to help?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by amsterdamage, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. This guy's obviously got balls, he got onto a police site and politely asked why marijuana's illegal.

    Why is Cannabis illegal? | Police & Law Enforcement Discussions and Forums - PoliceLink

    Of course the cops are calling him a troll and basically saying the reason it's illegal is because it's illegal.


    I'm going to register now and support him until they kill my account.
    It'd be great if a few other blades could do the same and just politely post some facts that the cops may not have heard before.

    We won't change the minds of the idiots insulting us but we could change the opinions of the other guys quietly reading the site and not posting. See you there..
  2. My bad, the topic's thread's been killed. Figures!
  3. Yea the guy did have balls, too bad very many didn't take him seriously, and the ones who did obviously weren't the most open minded...

    From the site: " Bottom line, it's illegal. You can argue all you want to it's illegal."

    "Cannabis is illegal. It is harmful like any other drug. Simple as that.."

    This guy did have balls, in theory it was a good idea, trying to stump the officers, but he wasn't going to make any pro-cannabis activists right there

    And as they said, they don't make the laws, they just enforce them
  4. The problem there is that it is not the officers job to change the law, only to uphold it. As far as they are concerned the fact that it is illegal is enough. They are responsible for enforcing the laws on the books and it is on the books. They can give you the reasons the laws are there but only the reasons that the laws give. They have no power to change the laws. As long as we are trying to get it legalized we need to be focusing on the two branches of government that have that power, either the courts or the congress. These two parts of the government do have the power to change the laws and they are the ones we need to convince. Whether the police agree that it should be illegal or not, it is their responsibility to uphold and enforce the law not change it.

  5. I'd agree with you except cops do go out of their way to influence the voting of legislators on the issue of marijuana.

    They put enormous pressure on legislators to continue the prohibition, and since a lot of legislators really don't know the facts surrounding the issue they end up saying "the police chief supports the prohibition so so do I".

    The DEA itself is the only organization capable of rescheduling marijuana out of Schedule I. But do you think they're likely to do that anytime soon when it'd mean eliminating a huge chunk of their work?
  6. #6 WeekendToker, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2009
  7. In case anyone's interested, this is a reply I got from one of the guys on that site when I sent him a message about legalization. I have never heard anyone talk about the inner workings of law enforcement like he did!

  8. I couldn't see the link, but that^ seems like a very genuine response. It's nice to see that from a cop. Keep up the good work!

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