Anybody Else Have An Uneasy Feeling About America Right Now?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by BP to the DP, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. #1 BP to the DP, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2013
    Hey blades, with all this shit going on recently (shootings, bombings, and scandals up the ass) I feel just kind of... Uneasy.

    I feel like there's a kind of tension in the air, like something is about to go down.

    I'm usually the first to say BS, shit like this has been happening since the dawn of man, but I don't know.

    Is it just me or is anybody else feeling this odd vibe too?

    Sent from my Samsung GS4 SCH-I545
  2. 2nd american revolution in the midst my friend...that is what you feel...

  3. It's like the more things go to shit the more the people in charge give you reasons to hate them. 
    My generation was totally fucked by the powers that be. It won't be but a few more cycles before the system all out collapses. 
    In our life time I say but not soon. 
  4. i have an uneasy feeling about the world. the entire world. things are happening in small increments, so that by the time the next shitty event goes down, youve already forgotten about the last thing. for instance, how many people have already forgetten about 911 and the war in the middle east? yes people, its still going on. a fuckin 10 year war with no signs of ending anytime soon. People have also forgotten about natural disasters like the hurrican katrina where so much debautchery went down with our government. Nobody cares and no one remembers. That's where the term "sheeple" comes into place. Human beings are being herded into the next pen, all the time forgetting about the last on that they were in.
    When you're born into captivity, how can you know what it's like to be free?
  5. #5 cookiecrisp, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    History repeats. It's cyclical. Civilizations rise and fall, and our great civilization has just recently crested that rise and is on its way down (in the grand scheme of things).
    Do I think things are going to escalate so quickly and intensely that we'll be looking at another American revolution or even another Civil War in the next decade or so? No. I think it will be slow going. People are far too complacent, and you would have to get a whole bunch of those complacent people on board with revolution if you even want to have a chance at success.
    It'll happen...but doomsday is not nigh yet.
  6. I think you're right, I really don't think there will be a mass revolution soon.

    I still have a feeling that something big is gonna happen soon. What it is I don't know, but I don't think it's gonna be something good.

    Sent from my Samsung GS4 SCH-I545

  7. The only way that a true revolution could happen is if the US military difects from the government to protect the people like they did in Russia during the cold war.
    I think that we're always on the brink of something massive, just because of how pesky human nature is. There are so many different variables, so many uncertainties that come into play when considering just how beautiful or downright awful this existence can be.
    Take something like the Sandy Hook shootings, for example. The shooter probably had a pretty easy time making the decision to carry out that act, just because of his belief system/rage/base human nature/mental illnesses/whatever. But look at the ramifications of that act. It was truly an event on a global scale, although it really only directly affected a small town, in a small state, in but one of many countries on this planet.
    All it takes is one insignificantly easy choice of one individual/group of individuals to really change the way we look at the world nowadays. We're constantly standing on the edge of something awful, or something great. The interconnectedness of everything plays a huge role in that nowadays. What would have once only have been a small, insignificant event to a small, insignificant piece of the larger whole now has these incredible ramifications for global consciousness that perhaps makes things seem worse than they are. Not that they aren't bad...they've always been bad; we just hear about so much more nowadays.
  9. I feel like the whole world is on the edge of something. In America we have corrupt leaders and apathetic citizens who complain on the internet. In other countries there are actual dictators and tyrants and citizens are rioting and revolting. Other countries are war zones and yes we are at war too but it isn't in our backyard. Africa, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Israel, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, China....there is a lot brewing right now. 
  10. I think it will take the government somehow banning firearms and another Democrat being elected in office for things to get worse. Also budgets to keep getting cut..not to mention you have liberals and conservatives equally rights,wars on drugs,and gun control and overall conservatives just fed up with the way democrats run the country.
    This right here is a huge problem in this country. This stupid pseudo-allegiance to left or right, blue or red, liberal or conservative. They're all the same dumb motherfuckers. They all worship the same master: greed. Nothing will change until that changes, and this country is run by big business so good luck getting that to change. The allegiance to big business is something both liberals and conservatives are responsible for, and year after year they reaffirm that allegiance. 
    The master may or may not change masks every 2 or 4 years, but it's still the same master at the end of the day.
  12. #12 ByePhilipe, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    Everyone's lazy and no one really gives a fuck. So, no in that sense. There are crazy fuckers and there have always been crazy fuckers. I.e. Jack the Ripper.

    If something happens, I doubt it's gonna be the American people fighting as a whole. Maybe a sleeper cell or something but as someone said above, it could happen at any time because people is crazy.
  13. Yeah, I do. Shit is about to go DOWN and it's not going to be pretty.
  14. I gots the fear, and I gots it bad.
  15. Ninja now what's up big hat, big talk, big cane, uncle Sam I'm takin aim, eo tech i take and mame, Monsanto, Barry O., Cheerios, and swisher sweets, fuck ya all, burn down.
    We ready, we ready, we ready, we ready ninja!
  16. #17 llllllllll, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2013
    Everyone in this thread just speaks in broad generalizations and likes to be reform hipsters.  "dont you guise remember what happend during 911 and war in middle east i mean its like sooooo bad what "the powers that be" did i mean gawd guise we gotta end all events that are large scale, anything that is a large event and is newsworthy is baddd"
    large newsworthy events and wars have been going on since forever.  Was dropping 2 atomic bombs on japan a cool/smart thing to do? no, but everyone forgot about it.
    Was the CIA attempting to overthrow cuban government in the 60's a cool/smart/intelligent thing to do? no but everyone forgot about it.
    Its called being human.  Whatever country you are from, it has its bad history.  US is only ~300 years old.  
    shit is corrupt, so is your country.  Get over it its not gonna be fixed.
  17. #18 Relaudid, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2013
    I'd like to say I'm conservative but fuck the government. No matter who's in power its still fucked up, liberal or republican is what half the dumb fucks see. This way or that way.

    We don't NEED a government...why aren't WE the powers that be.

    Let's burn this bitch down, then burn like 6 pounds.
  18. This right here is a huge problem in this country. This stupid pseudo-allegiance to left or right, blue or red, liberal or conservative. They're all the same dumb motherfuckers. They all worship the same master: greed. Nothing will change until that changes, and this country is run by big business so good luck getting that to change. The allegiance to big business is something both liberals and conservatives are responsible for, and year after year they reaffirm that allegiance.

    The master may or may not change masks every 2 or 4 years, but it's still the same master at the end of the day.
    YES. Politicians are so terrified of stepping out of their party bounds that they don't stand up for what they believe in.

    Many people are similar. They follow only their party and bash everyone else. Nothing ever gets done with a two party system.

    Sent from my Samsung GS4 SCH-I545

  19. my mom got a sample ballot in the mail...for prelim elections or something and didn't even know..I seen it first and she asked for it,asking "who is democrat"...I laughed and of course said that just because they are democrat don't mean they are perfect...
    Then she went on about how republicans are devil and wanna keep everyone down...(but  she is a born again christian apparently smh..).She went on about how she'll never vote democrat...she got mad at me because I don't lean towards democrat anymore...
    I told her big corporations truly run the country but then she went on about 'world coming to an end' religion bullshit.

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