any way to pass a test in 10 hours

Discussion in 'General' started by osiris999, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. so my boss calls me to come in work early today says he needs some paperwork done. i work nights so i know this must be a piss test. i use to smoke once a day but stopped over the weekend. i smoked again in the morning yesterday so i freaked. i bought a stat royal flush drank it and filled it 2 times with water like it said. i took the test at the peak time it says to 60-90 min after drinking. problem is it says you should be clean for 2 days before and i last smoked 10 hours before. also i had no vitamin b to turn the piss back yellow. so i pissed clear as **** for the test. the woman took it and sent it off to the lab. question is if my piss was so ****ing clear whats the chances of it being clean or at least too watered down for the lab to except. im staying drinking water and now have the vitamins to help color it if they want a retest. anyone used this product or know the chances of it coming up in the lab? with haveing such short time its all i could think to do. fuck this stuff makes you shake like hell piss more than you have every before etc. i have to say the way this shit make me feel i better pass or have to retake. this thing has horrid side effects i wont bother telling you guys.
  2. drink as much water as you can
  3. this happened yesterday. i did what the bottle said to do. now my clear piss is on its way to a lab. i hopeing for a retest at this point.

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