Any suggestions

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Lowkey90210, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Week4 of flowering!! When is it to late to super crop??

  2. Week5 of flowering! Is it to late to remove lower branches???

  3. Week 3 is ideal.
  4. What bout removing lower branches

  5. Post
  6. It’s like 5 to 10 very small branches with little bud sites on them. The plan is fully healthy. Was thinking cutting them off would be better for the top bigger buds. They are under the canopy getting no light little or no light!

  7. Is it better for me to remove the small branches that are getting no light?

  8. Leave them
  9. They are going to come in hand when its late in flower and she's sucking the nutrients out of her remaining fan leaves
  10. What bout the small bud sites that r not getting any light? Remove or leave??

  11. After you get past 2 or 3 weeks into flower you should only do something if absolutely needed. Leave her be now and let her do her thing , mid flower is your highest chance of hermie through stress
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  12. Copy that thanks

  13. “Remove or leave?”

    There is no reason - ever, to remove healthy plant growth based on shading - if this is the case then it tells me you simply need more lighting.

    • Like Like x 1
  14. even scrog?

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