Any other guys NOT into banging every chick they can?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by DJRedeye, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. LOL. He sounds so insecure, doesn't he?
  2. i mean ill bang every decent looking chick if they want it
    but its just too much work to talk with them and shit
  3. Man I'm all about the pussy over here. I don't fuck everything I mean I have standards. Really I have no problem fucking a chick I don't even know as long as she is hot :D.
  4. Depends if she takes a card...
  5. oops you now have aids. and gonorrhea. and chlamydia. and herpes. and genital warts. and all for that one night stand with the "hot chick". not worth it.
  6. The chances of that happening are low plus I use condoms derrrrrr

  7. viruses are microscopic, they can penetrate your flimsy latex condom with ease.

    Latex and poly Condoms are about 98% effective against HIV - but you have to be sure you're using them correctly.

    Condoms will protect you from gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonis.

    Condoms will protect you from syphillis (if there is not open sore or rash present,)

    They may protect against HPV & Herpes if the sore/warts are on the penis and covered by the condom. But it's very risky, as HPV is hard to see, and herpes can be contagious without having an outbreak.

    Condoms will not protect you from HPV/Herpes if the warts/sores are on the scrotum, on the vagina, inner thighs or around the rectum.

    Condoms will not protect you from crabs.

    Lambskin condoms will not protect you from HIV, HPV, Herpes, crabs, and may not be effective in preventing gonorrhea, syphillis, chlamydia and trichomonis.
  8. Well I have never gotten an std and its not like I'm fuckin crack hoes so I think I'm good.

  9. You should never say never...;)
  10. exactly. crack hoes are not the only ones who get stds, anyone can get them and give them.
  11. STDs are just excuses for guys who can't get laid. Use a condom and you'll be fine.

    With that being said, I too don't go out with the sole purpose of looking for a random fuck. In fact, I've never had sex with someone who wasn't my girlfriend or later became my girlfriend. There has to be some sort of emotional attachment for me to have sex with that person because otherwise, I'd feel like a dirty whore. Thankfully, I'm a decent looking dude with ample social skills so I've never had a problem with girls, but I understand everyone is different, so you gotta take what you can get.
  12. This man is wise.
  13. hahahah dumbass, you can get STD's a whole bunch of ways, wearing a condom doesn't do shit. hahahaha :wave:
  14. Well lets not forget that you can get STDs even with a condom on and Bristol Palin got pregnant using a condom....

  15. Pics or it didn't happen.
  16. Yep, that sounds about right.
  17. its my prerogative to find a girl thats right for me, not for my dick. i mean shit, theres more to this life than sex. when i am with a girl, oddly enough, sex is the last thing on my mind. thats not to say, if the occasion comes up i wont refuse it. but fuck guys, how can you say all you think about is getting a nut without feeling like a self centered douche?
  18. I'm the guy who wants to sex every pretty girl I see and talk too, but there was once a girl I loved and I actually didn't want to fuck her.
  19. I agree with you man. Not being cocky at all but I am damn good looking guy, I'm not cocky but confident. Women tell me all the time that I am good looking but I really do prefer to be modest. I have hooked up with a LOT of girls in my life but in the end I wasn't really happy. I currently am in a relationship with the most amazing girl I have ever met, and I have settled down and really love the fact that I only care/want this one girl. Sure, its always nice to have girls complement, but all that does is make me know im doing a good job taking care of myself. In the end, I only TRULY care about one girls opinion and its the only one that matters to me.
  20. Every girl I have ever *loved* or gotten serious with has fucked me over. I havent even tried lately because I don't see reason too, I'm probably just going to get fucked over again. Whatever though, shit happens, that's life...


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