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Any one like Depersonalization?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Buttery, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I know they're has been a shit ton of threads about this, most going "omg im deing!"

    But, for anyone who has experinced it regularly, has anyone else grown to enjoy it?

    The first time it happened to me It was amazing, I really started to realize that from they outside, I'm no different from everyone else, and how small of a role I really play in the grand scheme of things. I started to question life as it is and did some major thinking.

    It was almost life changing, more so than any trip off any other phsyc, which was aamzing, but very very very weird..

    Anyone else have this same situaiton?
  2. When I get high, depersonalization goes straight into existential crisis.

    Generally I try to avoid those. There's nothing worse than trying to prove your existence to yourself, no one wins.
  3. I always enjoy smoking at night because I can just lie back, stare at the stars, and contemplate how small we are compared to the vastness of the universe. In a cosmic sense, everything we do amounts to nil. That doesn't make me feel small or insignificant though, it helps me put the enormous scale of the universe into perspective. The universe is so big that I feel the human mind can't even comprehend its size. It definitely sparks some deep conversations with my fellow stoners though
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  4. If i'm honest it scared me at first. But you have to learn to embrace it if you experience it. It can be really useful, but find it such an uncomfortable feeling. And after all, it is a psychological disorder.
  5. i want it to happen to me but it never has
  6. I smoke my self into oblvion for a week then i will completely stop for a week just for the effects of depersonalization
  7. Not really not feeling important, I just mean, basically what you said. If I'm such a small part of the world, then you really word what else is out there, earth, space and beyond.

    I'm a strong believer in the mind being the strongest thing in the world. Almost every psycholgical order can be overcame if you have the mind for it, just ow like you can control if you will a have a good trip, or bad one.

  8. If you want it almost guarentted, just smoke that legal shit spice. It's not good for you and not the same as weed, but gives you it like mad if you smoke enough.
  9. yea. when you drop out of school at 16 to smoke weed with your friend and sleep in then suddenly your friend moves away and you have nothing at all to do every day except smoke weed and watch tv/play video games/ watch youtube videos by yourself you get a bit depersonalized.:eek:
  10. ya i have some of that stuff its called white rhino i refuse to smoke it becuse it tastes so bad it makes me gag
  11. Not sure about that bro, i can think of a hell of a lot of psychological disorders that are nigh on impossible to treat without drug treatment, ie Insomnia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, gender identity disorders and pretty much all personality disorders. Granted some of the milder psychological disorders can be overcame with simple mind power and a little help, but its wrong to generalise psychologcial disorders as controllable.
  12. A little bit off topic but relevant enough that ill still post. The first time i had a cannabis induced panic/anxiety attack I thought I was dying. My vision started going dark and I felt like I couldnt move my body. My arms started going cold and I was straight trippin balls hahaha. I really started to feel like I was phasing out of life. Finally I just said "fuck it. If its my time to die then let it be." and fully embraced leaving my body. Oddly enough, not two minutes later did my panic/anxiety attack end.

    Now I feel I have a stronger sense of being alive and it helped me realize I suffer from anxiety, paranoia, and depression. It kind of snapped me out of it and made me start analyze my thoughts and who I am as a person.

    Very eye opening I would say.:smoke:
  13. I experience it regularly when I get super high on indicas. I never really got scared of it or anything, but at first It was just kind of weird.

    I would sit there talking to a guy and halfway through what I am saying I can like hear myself talking to him, and think "hey I'm talking to this guy... but I'm not talking to this guy". Kinda like I can talk to somebody, but witness myself talking to someone and in my mind have a completely different thinking process going along.

    Weird, but it's cool. I couldn't imagine doing it on a summer night, clear sky, in the country... Just looking at the stars.

    Time to add that to my bucket list.
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  14. Well, to an extent, if you were diagnosed frombirth it would obviously be somewhat different.
  15. Most psychological disorders are not diagnosed at birth because they develop in adolescence/adulthood.
  16. I too believe this 100%!!! the mind is more powerful than we can even fathom
  17. I thought I was the only one, I guess not. I totally agree with OP. It has given me such a better perspective on life in general. It helped me mature and get serious. The people freaking out would never survive on hallucinogens, they just need to learn that you have to ride everything out.
  18. Shit man I thought this was normal.

    I always think about how insignificant and small we are, and we don't even know what's out there.


    For all we know our entire universe could be encompassed in one single molecule in a pool of filth, where each other molecule is a different universe. And that pool of filth is just a tear in someones eye, and that person is thinking how insignificant they are in the grand scheme of things.

    Whose to say things don't get infinitely small and infinitely large?
  19. #19 samwich, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Most people think depersonalization is scary because it really does feel like you are dying. Because a part of you really is dying, your ego, and you're becoming more of the silent observer.

    If you ask me, it's what causes a lot of freakouts and weed and psychedelics alike. The hard thing to do is to "let go". Let go of the ego, the need for control; basically "turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream." When I experienced a full ego death on acid, I was incredibly tense and felt like I was disappearing. But as soon as I accepted it and let go of everything, I slowly became infinity (thats the only way I can really describe it). It was a life changing moment and I felt reborn afterwards.

    Depersonalization while high is very similar to me, just not as intense. It's as if your letting your need for control disappear and just being. It can be a very difficult thing to do, but is also immensely rewarding.
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  20. I love the feeling of being disjointed from my body when i get really really high, and i love it when i get so high my senses start lagging hardcore like a video game with bad internet.

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