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Any of you guys used to be against weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DreamPCs, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. Like most people, i was raised to believe weed was a terrible drug that ruined peoples lives. I was told it would poison my body, corrupt my soul and eventually kill me. So of course I was against it for a while. After I was old enough to start seeking out answers on my own (16) I tried it out, and fell in love. Whats worse though is a girl I liked in grade 9 kept asking me to come smoke with her, but I never did, and now I smoke all the time...
  2. My boyfriend and I got into a BIG fight when we first started going out. He thought I was "rebellious" and "loose" because I would consider trying weed one day. He was the one to finally try it with me.

    Then again, he also fought with me because I would have considered having a threesome (with another girl.) He hates when I remind him of that :p
  3. Yep, still am.
  4. I used to not like it i'd rip on people for smoking but then I took my first toke at a party thought if I should the whole party but then I was like fuck it now I'm a frequent toker.
  5. I dont think i was ever against it, its just that i grew up in a nice town, so in middle school i wasnt exposed to any of that. Honestly i didnt really even think many people did it so i didnt think twice about it.

    Like the second day of highschool one of my friends pulled out a little dime baggie with a gram in it. He didnt ask me to try it, he just showed me it.

    I kinda put it off until one night i was like "i think i want get high." so i asked my friend and we got a quarter of jack herer and i have never doubted my love since

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