[quote name='"Demiurge"']Why not just text? I didn't know people used instant messaging anymore.[/quote] I do text, but with people off the internet?
[quote name='"Demiurge"']If they aren't on the internet how does this work?[/quote] I meant text people off of the Internet, I doubt people would wanna give me their number.
[quote name='"Vicious"']Chat threads are a no-go for some reason.[/quote] And not chatting, asking to chat using the app
I use this kik http://www.soap.com/p/kikkoman-soy-sauce-20-oz-290229?site=CA&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc_S&utm_term=DCS-1797&utm_campaign=GoogleAW&CAWELAID=1323131254&utm_content=pla&adtype=pla&cagpspn=pla