Any help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Theomen2k, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. So one of my sprouts looks a little sickly it was doing pretty good this morning, I didn't water it or anything and the soil pod thing it's in still has damp soil, I added a pic of when it was fine and a pic of it now, it looks wilted. Only thing I did was put it in my aero garden, were the lights too much for the little sprout?

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  2. It's just shedding the seed shell
  3. I know that it's shedding it's shell what I mean is this morning it looked strong and healthy and the second pic you can't tell very well but it's not so healthy looking anymore, it's stem is way thinner than it was this morning
  4. No idea bro
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  5. It was a healthy green yellow color when I woke up and now it's a yellow brown color and it's stem is thin
  6. Then what is it ?
  7. What is what
  8. WHAT IS WHAT IS WRONG ? wth ?
  9. The seedling is wilting? I already stated this?
  10. Nevermind this thread, the sprout died this morning unfortunately

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