Damn my dealer is out of town hes at the airport his bud is so good I dont mind waiting till he gets back to get another sack.
dang that sucks but i really jus buy from a couple friends at the moment i need to find a good dealer to joog my stuff
Yeah my boy will sometimes get me eighths that are one bud and he will put it in a bag with some hash crushed up real fine and he will shake the bag and still sell it to me for the reg. price. He gets a lot of hash for free.
oh i never smoked hash yet lol, but dang i know my one friend always ripps me off dang once i get some more ill show u
Haha awesome to see another trivalley nukka on here. i go friday night bowling sometimes at granada but dublin bowl is legit. O yea and Donut Wheel is fuckin legit for the late night munchies!
925 here, but grew up in the 650. You can find me all across the Bay, though. ;-) I'm a medical marijuana patient, so I can just hit up any club I want to get the best stuff. Going to 2 clubs in Oakland (PHPC and Blue Sky) today actually because I'm about to run out of my meds.
hahha eyyy fesho yamp i usaully go to jack in the box dem bro u know where i can some bomb ass trees?