Anti-smoking adds

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TVK63, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. I wasn't sure where to put this but I was thinking. You know when you see all those anti smoking commercials on TV. Well when I use to be addicted to ciggarettes I would try and take my mind off it and go watch tv or something. When I did this though, whenever I saw a commercial for it, it just reminded me of smoking again and got me craving them. I was wondering if anyone realized this or felt this way. I would get my head clear of it then all of a sudden it pops up on tv. Although it might not be something good about them it still reminded me of it and was tougher for me to quit.
  2. Some Psychologists have said the mind is a big association machine. Even if its a commercial showing the bad qualities of ciggarettes it can do what it did for you. Id say the commercials are made to get people to not start smoking or start quitting; after that they didnt take it into consideration.
  3. that's pretty interesting...i've never thought about it before--probably because i don't smoke. does the same thing happen when you see smoking in movies or tv shows?
  4. ya..but i was just saying how they are intended for people not to smoke when it doesnt quite work like that.
  5. I don't know

    I usually try and let logic overcome my insticts.
  6. Well I was saying thats because of the instinctive reaction your brain has where it assoctiates ciggarettes with smoking. Your brain hasnt been conditioned yet to automatically associate the bad results of smoking.(just finished the Learning chapter in my Intro to Psych class)
  7. I dont really find anti-smoking commercials do it to me..they just piss me off a fair bit...
    but if im trying to quit smoking and someone in a movie or tv show lights up... maaaaan it makes me need a cigarette!! Which is silly, because it means that its just such a mental thing. :rolleyes:
  8. But in the end... what have we got- but our instincts!

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