Anthropology anyone?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wykyd_Green, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. I love anthro class all three I have taken, magic witchcraft and religion and physical, so interesting for my stoned self I can't help but get an A.

    But my favorite part is my professor performs male primate dominance rituals during lecture and its fucking hilarious, he starts hoo hoo hooing and jumping around flailing his arms it's the best haha.

    Anyone else love anthropology?
  2. My friend takes those classes she likes how it gives you an understanding of people.

    Me on the other hand I love psychology the brain is cool to me and it helps me learn more about myself and knowledge is awesome.
  3. [quote name='"OtherWorldlyGuy"']My friend takes those classes she likes how it gives you an understanding of people.

    Me on the other hand I love psychology the brain is cool to me and it helps me learn more about myself and knowledge awesome.[/quote]

    Amen to that knowledge rox my sox. I like the anthro take on people such a good physical understanding on the matters at hand. I couldn't get into the psych aspects I just could not relate, unless it was pavlovs of course haha.
  4. Aww I loved anthro when I was in college. I was in the class around the time that I first started smoking regularly, so I'd go in feeling super high and learn all about islands and tribal shit. The teacher was really cool, too.

    Too bad there's not much money to be made with that major.
  5. I'm in my first year taking Anthro and it's based more on the culture side, it's pretty damn interesting

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