Another worm question

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by thrasher1472, May 15, 2010.

  1. Can you adjust the NPK of worm castings by controlling their diet. Could i have one bin generating high N value and a separate bin for PK. If you could do that would it be available to the plant quicker? Does it even work that way or all castings just castings?
  2. Actually yes. The organic fertilizers (kelp/seed meals, guanos, fish hydrolysate, fulvic/humic acids, etc.) are broken down by the bacteria/fungi that feed on these fertilizers. These bacterias in turn feed protozoa, nematodes and worms. Their poo is rich in whatever you used to feed the bacterial/fungal population.
    Most worm castings are primarily N because it's cheaper for worm farms to feed worms paper and cardboard.
  3. Thanks holynazi

    I sort of figured it would work that way but always like to get a second opinion.
  4. Hi Thrasher-

    Do you already have an established worm bin? They are awesome. I have one in my kitchen, a giant Rubbermaid tote. I love the looks on peoples' faces when they hear that.

    Being able to cut down on trash while creating your own compost & soil amendment to your liking is great.

    Peace (& worms)
  5. Hi catmint

    No worm bin yet, soon though. Im still in the planning and investigating phase of things right now.
  6. Great question and good reply.

    I've also wondered about the same question. My worm bin is mainly manure from alpacas, so I'm assuming the castings will be high in N.

    I think I'll go to some supermarkets and ask for rotten veggies, especially potatoes that are especially high in P.
  7. #7 Growin SoCal, Jun 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2010
    Potatoes are good but unless you want to grow them they should be blended. Any skin scraps will start to grow shoots. Watermelon, cantalope, and aquatic plants (seaweed or pond plants) do great. I like to use rabbit manure in my worm bin. Good stuff great when used in tea mixes. Also you want red wiggler or composting worms they dont mind an acidic soil they thrive in a ph as low as 5.5.
  8. I have found that adding a bit of dry bedding when you add food scraps in a rubbermaid setup helps to balance out the moisture increase from the scraps you add to the bin. Also when starting a new bin a splash of EWC helps get things going.

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