ANOTHER school shooting

Discussion in 'General' started by tonyhimselff, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. there aren't any evaluations at the moment of purchasing, but in maine they do a background check. i went with my friend to buy a pistol, from a licensed dealer, and he passed despite attempting suicide (with a month long stay in the nut-nut) less than a year prior. he walked out that very same day with a shiny pistol.
  2. Legalize marijuana..
  3. I think gun safety should be taught in schools, and there should be a national militia, which is different from a military, which you serve in part time for 1 year after high school and they train you in combat and weapons use, etc.

    That way everybody knows how to use a gun, and hopefully there'll be no more gangbangers firing pistols sideways :p

  4. My highschool we had a "safety" class. It wasn't just guns. It was all things outdoors. Tying knots, cpr, gun safety, hmm can't think of much else.

    But we got to go outside and shoot guns one day. That would never happen in the inner-city lol.
  5. Ban shotguns

  6. I hope you are joking...
  7. I wouldn't care if they banned AR15s as Lon as they don't ban shotguns and handguns.
  8. I believe that we should focus more on closing the loop-holes in existing gun laws, make the gun manufacturers and retailers more responsible with what they are selling and to whom they are selling. Its far too easy to obtain a gun with next to no identification or documentation of sale. However, I am firmly against an assault rifle ban, that shit just doesnt make sense. We cant nerf the world just because some people will abuse their gun rights, and taking rights away from the rest of us is certainly not the way to do it.

    We need to treat gun ownership like car ownership, tight records, a check to ensure that the buyer is fit to own and operate, and stiffer penalties for those who violate these rules.

    Cars cause thousands of deaths each year, we dont simply ban cars - we make steps to make them and using them more safe. We have to apply this to guns as well.
  9. #69 The Golden Spiral, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
    What need to change is people. If we arm ourselves we are basically falling for it. What should change is fucking people. The solution is not to be prepared for someone to come and shoot people around you, the solution is to nobody come and shoot people around you.
  10. How do we change people then so they stop shooting people.

    I'm having a hard time following this.

  11. i hate media sharks and stupid political asswipes that use things like this for their stupid fucking talking points on their stupid fucking agendas.
  12. I hate hate hate when people against gun control say "Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People". Now, people DO kill people. That much is true. It has always been true, before we even had tools. Before we were even people. And that killing truth is indeed part of the problem. Humanity is persistently inconsistent and complex, even in the reasons we kill: desperation, survival, anger or accident, to name a few of the big ones. Insanity, to name the currently most relevant one. Bottom line, though, is that many of us are killers. It's what half of the above saying means: Human nature is deeply intertwined with violence and killing, and we as a species need to evolve past that in order to move forward into the vast playground of the Universe. Yes, people kill people, and that is terrible. But guns? Guns also kill people. Since the beginning, guns were invented by the people, for the people, to kill the people. They puncture your flesh until you die. That's what they're for. Yes, guns can also be used for hunting, or maybe for nope just hunting. Killing people, and killing animals. Guns don't do anything other than kill. Guns kill. That's, like, the fucking point. So the true saying here isn't "Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People." That's, I'm sorry, fucking stupid. It should actually read "Guns Kill, and People Kill People."

  13. Yeah man I'm not saying it's easy. There are lots of variables. I know it can't be immediate.
    It's the same as what people say, The world is so fucked up we teach girls how not to be raped, instead we should teach people not to rape in the first place.
    It's the same concept. I mean people will always be fucked up in their mind but the only real solution is people to change and not be fucked up. And lot's of fucked up-ness has happened because of media, what the goverment says, education, etc etc.

    Excuse me if I don't make sense Dr. Cooper, I hope i made my point.

  14. I don't think this is a possible, or in any way feasible solution to anything.

    It would be nice if people didn't rape and kill, but you can't stop the source of it.
  15. #75 The Golden Spiral, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
    It's ironic too how Adam Lanza's mother had the guns to protect herself. Instead her kid went and killed her and a bunch of fucking kids. (talking about gun control)

  16. People will keep doing it. But I mean, It's too fucking easy for people to do it. People shouldn't do it in the first place. I don't want to be fearful all my life that if I'm in the mall some psycho is gonna go and shoot whoever is infront of him. Laws must be improved. I don't really know how it can be stopped completely, but I'm completely sure it can be reduced significantly.

  17. You said before to change people, now we're discussing changing laws?

    Laws won't change people.

  18. That was the role of religion since the advent of civilization 10000 years ago.

    It has failed miserably.

    What makes you think teaching the religious ideals of "do not kill, do not steal, do not rape and torture" outside of religion is going to solve anything? Religion has been divorced from public schooling, at least here in the US, for the better part of a century and although kids are still taught "do not kill, do not steal, do not rape and torture," they're still going out and doing it.
  19. Ok people, I know I really didn't explained my self well. I don't have a solution for it. But the only way somebody can stop someone from doing anything is themselves.
    What I meant with laws is that a way to reduce it is implementing gun control. If you don't have a gun you can't go shoot someone. At least not that easily. If you want you can go stab them, but once again it's not that easy.
    And yeah I know religion is flawed and fucked up.
    It's not teaching them not to do something. It's called moral. That's what should be taught/learned.
  20. It sucks man.

    At what point are more and more people gonna be afraid to do anything in public?

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