another ecstacy thread

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by gasoline-smooth, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. just wondering what the best kind to get is, and on a worser note, anyone know the laws regarding it are, possession, selling, etc.... im not sure about the pandora's box rules but if you can't post it, feel free to message me, i can tell you my aim screen name or whatever. any help would be apreciated. thanks. ​

  2. There's no way in telling if youre roll is Mdma or a speed bomb, unless after you buy them, you use a testing kit.
    Also its a schedule 1 drug by Federal law so youre fucked if you are caught with it, or selling it.
  3. Im pretty sure this belongs in another thread. But fuck it.

    I only ever rolled off an ecstasy pill once. I took one and half green woodstocks. I rolled pretty good me and my boy watched south park all night reminiscing on good times.

    Every other pill ive taken has been a fake. Pisses me off so I never buy that shit anymore.
  4. thanks. apreciate the help. i want mdma but like you said theres no way to tell. ...i trust my dealer though, hopefully he wouldn't let me down .
  5. try to find molly. thats pure MDMA.
  6. my previous hookup pussied out and i can't get x now. so nm. kinda sucks i was really excited lol.

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