The doctor just hooked me up AGAIN! . This time it's only a four Oz bottle but who can complain for less than $10. I'm trading my boy 1 Oz for a gram. Was going to get one for 20 but refuses to sell it and will only do a trade. I'll post pics of the bot and the bud when I get it. Scrips bout to be ready in 40. Too bad it won't last long. This is my last one for a long time. Doc says if I'm still coughing he'll recommend me for a chest x-ray .
I hate you. 4 oz around here would cost about 120$, 100$ if you got the hookup. Damn I could go for a 4 up in my sprite right now.
I'd like to drink a deuce but that only leaves me with an oz. I don't plan on breaking into it today though, already roxi'd up. Might drink some for school tomorrow but tomorrow is my AP classes.
what are you talking about? shit i've been a lot of things but never roxi'd up.. dextromehorphan ? mumble..
Roxicodone aka Oxycodone Doesn't taste too bad actually. Definitely have to wash it down but I don't think it's half as bad as tussin or nyquil
Like cough syrup. Thas why ya po (pour) a fo (4) up in a cup with some sprite and some jolly rancher and mix it up.
yeah but he went to the doctor for a reason and they arent gonna give you that shit if when he listens the your breathing its completely fine.. so my previos question still stands unanswered -JAH
well thats how i and about everyone i know gets it, goes in, say they have a horrible cough, cant sleep at night because of it and wala, codeine in a bottle... several times they listen'd to my breathing, several times i never had a cough/breathing was fine, and several times i got the bottle... so take it for what its worth...
Sorry, I took a nap but you nailed it. I had a cough a week and a half ago and got a 6oz bottle, today I had a monthly checkup after I got new sinus meds and just said I still had a cough and trouble sleeping. He said it has a narcotic which is potentially addictive (i've been seeing this guy since elementary school so he's seen me since a wee one) and he doesn't like prescribing it so he's giving me a little less this time. So If my problem still is there after nearly 3 weeks (end of how long this bottle 'should last') then he recommends seeing if I have a chronic problem since hes seen me pretty bad with a bronchial infection last year.
Has anyone tried this with Hydrocodone Syrup? I just remembered I have a bottle left over from a prior illness.
Ah, I thought you had actual Lean. Hydrocodone syrup is called guerilla piss around here and it's alotttt cheaper than lean. Lean is a bit more potent from what I hear, but it's all good i'd kill for either one right now.