Another bottle of lean.

Discussion in 'General' started by Vicious, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. The doctor just hooked me up AGAIN! :hello:. This time it's only a four Oz bottle but who can complain for less than $10. I'm trading my boy 1 Oz for a gram. Was going to get one for 20 but refuses to sell it and will only do a trade. I'll post pics of the bot and the bud when I get it. Scrips bout to be ready in 40. Too bad it won't last long. This is my last one for a long time. Doc says if I'm still coughing he'll recommend me for a chest x-ray :(.
  2. FUCK YEA!! i love that purple stuff!! I ENVY YOU! enjoy that.. dip a blunt in that shiiiit :D
  3. I hate you. 4 oz around here would cost about 120$, 100$ if you got the hookup. Damn I could go for a 4 up in my sprite right now.
  4. I'd like to drink a deuce but that only leaves me with an oz. I don't plan on breaking into it today though, already roxi'd up. Might drink some for school tomorrow but tomorrow is my AP classes.
  5. what are you talking about?
    shit i've been a lot of things but never roxi'd up..

    dextromehorphan ? mumble..
  6. What does that stuff taste like? I've never had it.
  7. Roxicodone aka Oxycodone

    Doesn't taste too bad actually. Definitely have to wash it down but I don't think it's half as bad as tussin or nyquil
  8. Like cough syrup.

    Thas why ya po (pour) a fo (4) up in a cup with some sprite and some jolly rancher and mix it up.
  9. For the way it makes me feel, I'd call it drinkable:D
  10. sippin on some sizzzzurp, thats the way to go, fire up a 'sweet and you'll be set
  11. wtf is wrong with your lungs vicious?

  12. i believe hes obtaining the codeine to get fucked up, not because his lungs are fucked up...
  13. yeah but he went to the doctor for a reason and they arent gonna give you that shit if when he listens the your breathing its completely fine.. so my previos question still stands unanswered

  14. well thats how i and about everyone i know gets it, goes in, say they have a horrible cough, cant sleep at night because of it and wala, codeine in a bottle... several times they listen'd to my breathing, several times i never had a cough/breathing was fine, and several times i got the bottle...
    so take it for what its worth...
  15. Oh shit that's right cough syrup with codeine in it..
    Yeah, i like opiates.
  16. Sorry, I took a nap but you nailed it. I had a cough a week and a half ago and got a 6oz bottle, today I had a monthly checkup after I got new sinus meds and just said I still had a cough and trouble sleeping. He said it has a narcotic which is potentially addictive (i've been seeing this guy since elementary school so he's seen me since a wee one) and he doesn't like prescribing it so he's giving me a little less this time. So If my problem still is there after nearly 3 weeks (end of how long this bottle 'should last') then he recommends seeing if I have a chronic problem since hes seen me pretty bad with a bronchial infection last year.
  17. Has anyone tried this with Hydrocodone Syrup? I just remembered I have a bottle left over from a prior illness.
  18. Thats what I have. Start off with an Oz and you'll be glowing.
  19. Cool, thanks man.
  20. Ah, I thought you had actual Lean. Hydrocodone syrup is called guerilla piss around here and it's alotttt cheaper than lean. Lean is a bit more potent from what I hear, but it's all good i'd kill for either one right now.

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