Anonymous is now going after OH football team

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by RedMagic, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. I would want to know how she was taken from the party with no one noticing.
  2. Just because she made a bad call doesn't mean she deserves to be raped. Rape is psychologically traumatizing and ruins people's lives. It's not just that she was taken advantage of it was publicly broadcasted and approved by tons of her peers who she has to see every day after this.

    She was having trouble walking so the guys "helped" her walk to the car to leave after that they took her to two other parties and during the car ride one player filmed his friend fingering her and groping her while she babbled incoherently while half concious.

    NOONE STOPPED THIS! there were witnesses and noone did anything this girl is a victim and didn't bring any of this on herself. Bystanders should of had the balls to stop them.
  3. Honestly, are you not comprehending this?

    I'm not going to be rude, but I don't see what point you're trying to make with a lot of your posts about this issue.

    I'm sure people saw. They're highschoolers getting hammered; what do you expect? Even at a college party that shit could go unnoticed.

    It's called the Bystander Effect.

    "Well, someone else will resolve the issue, so I'll let them do it instead."

  4. She shouldnt have been so drunk. Until society changes, girls are going to have to watch out for d-bags like the ones who took advantage of her at the party. I know ill never be able to change it, im only one person.
  5. They should have helped and I completely agree. Once again, Bystander Effect.

    If these were older kids, I'm sure something would have been done. I can see 15-16 year olds thinking it's comical, which is sick.
  6. well you can start by not trying to justify rape...
  7. How do some of you blame the girl for this?

    She is allowed to drink (illegally, yes) and if it gets carried away, she deserves what's coming to her, or in this case rape?

    How do you justify that? Seriously.

    In general, males have physical dominance over a female as is. This girl was younger than the males, overly intoxicated, and unconscious.

    The males took full advantage. Throw em in the slammer

  8. Im not justifying it, im saying that she would have never been raped had she not been so drunk. Just because she was drunk doesent make it any less bad in my eyes, but thats the whole reason it happened, so she has to take some of the blame. None of the other girls got raped that night.
  9. #89 virgin mary, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2012
    sure it was irresponsible of her to get drunk. but how does that effect the fact that these dudes decided to take advantage of her? they made the conscious decision to rape somebody. why shouldn't they be treated like rapists?

    so what? if your trashed and walking out of a bar people notice so they come beat the shit out of you and rob you its your fault?

  10. Good point. Honestly im too tired to argue about this anymore, but maybe you guys are right. I dont know.
  11. They shouldn't have raped her and they deserve to be punished. Yes the girl put herself in a situation that she could have prevented but I wouldn't go as far as saying it's her fault. The fault lies with the rapists and hopefully other girls that participate in the same behavior (getting too intoxicated in a potentially unsafe environment) will hear about this and maybe think twice before grabbing another beer.
  12. They are you are really wrong.
  13. Sometimes people making bad choices have to deal with it. These guys have allready been arrested and what more do you want. I don't think they went to that party to rape a girl, they probably felt horrible when they sobered up the next day.
  14. By the logic of some people in this thread if I were to be out walking alone and a man decided to push me into a dark alley and raped me I was asking for it because I know I am weaker than men and I know I can't really defend myself against an attacker. I put myself in a situation where something bad could happen.
    Its easy for us to look at high school kids and say oh well she should have known that would happen but seriously? Who at 16 thinks that they are going to get raped if they pass out? Most kids at that age are just starting to drink and don't understand what alchohol can do to them. You dont think about the fact that there are evil people in the world just waiting for the chance to take advantage of you.Kids get drunk and do dumb shit. I get that. But I don't care how drunk you get - you always know that its wrong to force yourself on someone.
  15. Noone likes to quote me :(
  16. Horrible, yeah, except they "didn't do anything wrong" and the whole fucking town is trying to sweep it under the rug.

  17. no in my neighborhood you worry more about getting shot not raped, either way kids should know the world isnt rainbows and unicorns, its death and hate.

    if we break it down to percentages, 98% of the blame lies in the guys for being pieces of shit, 1% lies with the girl cuz idc that shes 16 she 1. should've been around actual friends 2. not drank so much as to pass out thus putting herself in a situation she cant even walk, the other 1%(although debatable whether it should be more) lies with the parents of all parties involved of all the kids at the parties. teach your kids not to be a piece of shit or a pussy.

    did she deserve to get raped? hell no, but she was a dumb bitch and she cant be blameless. the guys are probly gonna get raped when they get locked up anyway, most guys dont appreciate shit like that done to women or children.
  18. didn't seem like it on twitter..
  19. #99 RedMagic, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2012
    To everyone saying the guys were probably drunk too and didn't know what they're doing, look at the twitter/instagram/whatever comments and shit. They knew exactly what they were doing, they were totally unsympathetic to the whole thing. The pictures show this girl is totally blitzed to where she can't even get up, with the football team holding her arms and legs up. I've seen the other pictures that didn't make it to the web too, and they're even more graphic. I don't understand the logic that just because she was that drunk at a party meant she was asking for it. I know PLENTY of other parties where the same thing happened to someone, and they didn't get raped, people put them to bed or made sure they were okay. They didn't take her unconscious body to numerous parties and have fun with her while she was out. It honestly makes me kind of sick you could even blame the girl.

    They kidnapped her. They took her unconcious and intoxicated from party to party, and raped and molested her throughout the night. Again, look at the Twitter comments. The whole thing is being swept under the rug because they're one of the best football teams around here, they have money, and it's a small town. They're saying it wasn't rape because she was sexually active already, what the fuck is that?! That's not right, and if it is, I want off of this planet now.

    I'm still trying to find the few vids that YouTube took down to repost.
  20. I'd say the people i'm maddest at here are all the by standers who did nothing. Hell one of his friends filmed him fondeling her in the car and he didn't do anything but watch.

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