Animal rights

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Toxy, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. #1 Toxy, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2011
    This guy made me vegan.

    [ame=]Best Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Perhaps, but 70 minutes is a lot of listening - thanks but I'll have to pass.
  3. Summarize some of his main points. 70 minutes is a long time to something I may or may not be interested in.

    I'll give the thing an honest watch if it peaks my interest.
  4. I'm subbed, for what it's worth, OP. ;)
  5. Watched the video. Guess I'm a vegan now.
  6. #6 Verdurous, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    What does it say? lol

  7. Hmm. Well it's mainly about animal cruelty. It shows very graphic videos of how pigs, cows, chickens, etc are treated in slaughterhouses.

    He goes on to say how hypocritical it is for people to claim to be compassionate, yet they have blinders on when it comes to how animals are treated for the consumption of humans.

    He then explains that humans are not meat eaters by nature, this I already knew. That is true. Our digestive track, natural instincts, teeth, etc are herbivorous, nor carnivorous.

    It covers a lot more, but it's mainly about the treatment of animals. It's very good. I would suggest you all to watch the whole thing.
  8. #8 Verdurous, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm glad I didn't if it got graphic. I can't watch that kind of stuff. Sounds like the typical arguments I've already heard and pretty much agree with. Except I'm pretty sure we're omnivores. lol Words have definitions, donchaknow?
  9. people are naturally omnivores.

  10. I disagree, but I don't care to debate it.
  11. I lied. I'll just post this from wiki.

    The question is not what we eat, but what our physical bodies are NATURALLY suited to eat. We are naturally herbivorous/frugivorous, not omnivorous. It doesn't matter what people choose to eat, that doesn't play a part in it.
  12. I hate human beings. I wish the human species would just die already (not until after I put them through what they put animals through for years) and let the animals take over the earth again. humans are the most violent and disgusting piece of shit species ever to walk this earth and I would kill the lot of them myself if I could. they do nothing but over populate themselves and rape the earth of its resources while polluting everything in sight with fucking garbage.

    animals deserve more rights than people do. most intelligent species? LOL!
  13. #13 Verdurous, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    The label still applies to what humans actually do eat a majority of the time as far as a majority of humans go, and that would be an omnivore diet. Considering our canine teeth and appendices, there are obvious physical features indicating our species evolved from omnivores or even carnivores as well, so it's not like meat is a new fetish of ours or anything. lol

  14. Not accurate. You need to research more. Like I said though this subject doesn't interest me enough to debate it.
  15. We have canines. We are naturally suited for rending and chewing flesh with our teeth.
  16. Totally, disagree. "If you put a baby in a crib with a bunny and an apple, which one will it eat?"
  17. We need canines etc to eat apples and other hard fruits or vegetables.
  18. #19 Verdurous, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    You're the inaccurate one who needs to research more. lol The general scientific consensus is in fact that humans are omnivorous. Is your disinterest in providing sources for your claims and debating out of disinterest or because credible sources that support your claim don't exist? haha
  19. Myth: The human body is not designed for meat consumption.

    Human physiology clearly refutes this false claim. The stomach's production of hydrochloric acid is unique to meat-eaters - it activates protein-splitting enzymes (and it is something not found in herbivores). Then there is the human pancreas, which produces a full range of digestive enzymes for handling both animal and vegetable foods. Our very physiology (and dental structure) demonstrates we are "mixed feeders" or omnivores.

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