American's that influenced Hitler

Discussion in 'Politics' started by IGOTJOINTS4YA, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. #1 IGOTJOINTS4YA, Dec 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2008
    I read two books recently on Hitler and was surprised to hear that while Hiter was locked up in the Landsberg Castle for his Beer Hall Putch(where he, his stroom troopers and 3,000 nazi supporters marched through Munich to take over the Bavarian government).

    While in Landsberg Castle two books Hitler said he read the most and said he approved greatly of these views. These two books I speak of were both written by Henry Ford.

    First one being his autobiography, My Life and Work, which is not to astounding, but the next one is entitled, The International Jew:The Foremost Problem.

    I look at the times, Henry Ford wrote both those books around 1920, and then I look at how Hitler came into power.

    He was a young highly declorated military officer that was very popular, that blamed many of problems we faced on a sole issue that was highly imperialistic. He felt like his people had been getting the shaft for a long time and were continuing to. He had a fireous temper and sprent much of his life abroad in other countries. He gained power politically through the military then joined a workers socialist party and fought for workers rights. Although highly decorated, many times suffered from failures and setbacks. Had a general idea that nationalism should be held in high accord and knew the biggest problem facing equal rights was floods of immigrants because of

    I look at that general overview, and it almost perfectly mirrors that of the politician I hold in highest accord in my countries history, Theodore Roosevelt.

    Then I listen to translated speeches of Hitler and I think to myself, I can of see myself agreeing with his views.

    Was Hitler a great politician that knew how to manipulate emotions, or was did he geunially feel this way about these issues?

    After reading Henry Fords book, they seem to show there disagreements with marxism with the fact that almost every early marxiest was Jewish. They also agreed agianst Russia communism highly, and Hitler pointed out that they both agreed that about 75% of Russians of the time were Jewish. I don't know how truthful these claims were, but in a time when Marxism was being blamed for losing the first world war and for starting there depression. I can see why Hitler and other men like Henry Ford would go at such legnths to make assumptions that Jews were the main problem.

    This being said I do not agree at all with that holocaust, but I understand why these men thought this way. They just didn't know any better, and the times(world wide depression and world war) they lived in prosonified these feelings.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Hitler's Takeover Rare Footage (English Subtitles)[/ame]


    In Mein Kampf he wrote that the Germans was a nation that needed to expand like the British they needed colonies and Adolf Hitler was clear were they should find them. Mein Kampf: Adolf Hitler- "We are putting an end to the perpetual German march towards the south and west of Europe and turning our eyes towards the east and when we speak of a new land in Europe today we must princably bear in mind Russia, and the border states subject to her, destiny itself seems to wish to point the way for us here".

    What are everybody elses views on this?

    Hitler sounds like American founding fathers when they came to the new world if you ask me, time for expansion.

    On this political compass I parallel Hitler horizontally but not vertically.

    So I am less fascist but agree with his liberally views, wow.
  2. for me this is such a coincidence as i just got a hold of mein kampf from a close friend and am reading it now.

    in a way he was a sort of founding father but his ideals where very different to theres ( interesting note that the founding fathers hated christianity especially thomas jefferson, so when a hick says america was founded a christian nation he is a poorly educated hick)

    they wanted power in the hands of the people, he wanted people power in his hands
    i am also sure that most wealthy idealistic people through history would lead there own country and make changes they wanted if they could (would'nt you?)

    the henry ford thing did not suprise me although i didn't know he was antisemitic

    in madness there is always truth , from hitler to bush they all had logic for the arguments and made points that are easy to agree on but its there real agenda you have to look out for.

    couldn't help but notice you're ron paul sig, i dont buy into alot of conspiracies (e.g alex jones even if he is amusing as hell) but ron paul would be a great leader no doubt if u put aside all the jokes and look to the facts.

    forgot to add: in theory marxism is great especially for the people which is most likely why hitler took a stand against it.
  3. Marxism is a dictatorship of the working class, and that is not how Hitler's views lined up with.

    To an extent, I think politicians should work towards helping the new famous phenomenon Joe the Plumber, but I do not feel Joe the Plumber should run my government and his views hold a dictatorship over all views.

    Marxism works is like a direct democracy, in that it goes at overwhelming lengths to give up rights in order to get true equality, and while equality is an important thing we should strive for when you give up rights to get these things in is not the system I want.

    That being said, Hitler lined many of his views with socialist, even though he tried his hardest to hide this. I find myself doing that at times, until I realized socialism is a real goal we should be working towards.
  4. its so hard to come up with a working model, it all looks good on paper but in practice a disaster. scary where the world in which we live the most selfish model of government is the one that gives the most rights to the people and has had the best result.

    who knows maybe one day we will be living a in a world like the venus project.
    doubtful though

    as far as joe the plumber is concerned, as made famous by bill maher's movie religouse.
    You Don’t Need to Pass an IQ Test to be in the Senate.
  5. "Joe Kennedy"

  6. #6 IGOTJOINTS4YA, Dec 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2008
    The Venus Project is a crackpot idea by a guy who has a bunch of people who have a bunch of people butter up.

    If something like the Venus Project ever takes way it won't be done by them.

    Education should not be the main gauge on politicians electability, but it should be apart of it. I love Noam Chomsky's and think he is a greatly educated man, but he is not someone I would like in elected office.

    PS Budda: Kennedy was thoroughly against Russians, and Jews ethnic appearance are accommodated with most common Russians ethnic appearances. Most Jews that live in Israel now, for example, are immigrants from Russia and still hold ethnic appearances from that area. This is something men of that time knew openly that we do not talk about much nowadays.
  7. brilliant idea by a crackpot i would say, nothing like it will happen though, humans will never give up the monetary system they have become slaves to, stockholm sydrone
  8. #8 IGOTJOINTS4YA, Dec 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2008
    Monetary system really isn't that bad, most problems people make claim on it can be said for the problems of humanity. It is the problem of excess, we have become so efficient at doing things, our excess creates worse problems than when were were less efficient.

    I've been reading "In Defense of Food", mainly because I have horrible eating habits(almost never eat any greens) and I have realized that the reason why we have much worse health problems nowadays has to do with striving to get foods that give us lots of energy to our brains quickly at the expense of nutrients.

    In our drive to get food efficiently to our masses we populate our farms with 1 or 2 vegetables, and grow the most efficient farm animal breed possible(that means biggest breed of cattle, chicken, etc.).

    All of this is at the expense of important foods like vitamin A and D, along with certain proteins and fats not found in any of those.

    He blames science for most of our problems with our diet, because he says scientist's are always changing conventional thought so much on food, that it causes people to forget customs that they learned about certain food groups in cultures over time.

    He explains this how scientist for the longest time said Margarine was healthier than Butter and made a public opinion sway on butter against cultural idea that butter was ok. Now we have found out that margarine is terrible for your health, and he says that is the biggest injustice ever done by science.

    On a same scale things like this can be applied monetary system, through the monetary system the largest advancements in human kind were made, a lot like human food cultivation. But those advancements have created problems like monopolies and trusts that need to be broken up. Same can be said for Heart disease, diabetes and Cancer which are all problems that people never had in large numbers before over saturation of certain foods and the under use of others.

    A more balanced approach should be looked at.
  9. Also, the snidbit about Kennedy, I would like to point out that everyone should know that the Kennedies have made a large empire out of nothing really. They came to America being not very rich and now one of our richest families, with an empire to boast.

    After WWI we sent troops to Russia in support of the Czar in the Bolshevik Revolution, which everyone should know the rest of the story to. Bolsheviks Revolution happened and the Czar was killed.

    We have been agianst communism since it's conception I guess, and people like hitler acclomated his hatred for communism with Jews.


    This can be described in the "Red Scare", the Reds were the communists and the Whites were known as the czarist's.

    Kennedy felt like alot of Americans that marxism would impede the progress we have made in rescent history since the industrial revolution.


    "Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both."-John Kennedy

    “There are many people in the world who really don't understand-or say they don't-what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world.. Let them come to Berlin!”-John Kennedy

    "The streets of our country are in turmoil. The universities are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country. Russia is threatening us with her might, and the Republic is in danger. Yes - danger from within and without. We need law and order! Without it our nation cannot survive."-Adolf Hitler

    May be they were both politicians feeding off of people emotions, or they felt communism was a serious problem.
  10. #10 ElendGold, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2008

    Henry Ford was very anti-semitic, no wonder Hitler read his book!

    It's very interesting that you speak of what influenced Hitler. I'll go with what what J.P. Stern wrote, people sometimes are searching a little too deep for influences that Hitler might of got.


    About that part where you talk about how Hitler was really good with speeches.

    For that I'd like to paraphrase Stern once more, when he says that Hitler wasn't really a great orator, he was only using the most basic rhetorical concept, He [Hitler] truly believed what he said, and he believed it so much that his energy would connect with the crowd.

    If you listen to Hitler, his voice isn't very pleasant, his intonation aren't really thought through (except when he leaves time to applaud).

    He would also create a connection with the crowd;
    Where he would ask questions with a Yes/No answer, always very easy to answer, and the crowd cheering and answering in one voice would fire-up his audience even more.

    I'd love to develop more, if anyone is interested, I'm planning to do my Masters on a similar subject, definitely a subject I'm passionate about.

  11. The fundamental lesson of hitler is that people are all-too happy to give up their personal sovereignty to someone who promises them castles in the sky. Sound familiar?

    Remember, he didn't take Germany by force. He was one of the most massively popular elected officials in the history of the world.
  12. Yes and no, killing 3/4 of the opposition helps in an election.

    I know, I'm blurting out rough numbers, but it's really to illustrate my idea.
  13. He never really killed anybody in my knowledge when taking over political power, his enabling act where he killed so many people was in response to the burning of Reichstag.

    Now whether you believe Reichstag was actually burned down by Russians or by Nazi's, that is up to debate. Popular conjecture would point that he was an evil man so he must of done it, kind of like how people say Bush is evil so he must be behind 9/11.

    What I say to that is I want to know the details not known openly before I make assumptions, there was a man that openly admitted to starting the fire.

    Also Chaohinon, I am no Hitler sympathizer, but if you read mien kampf, you will know that Hitlers plans on colonization were to go east. Hitler felt like they were to small of a country, and the English, French and other powerful european countries had colonies that Germany lacked because of poor planing by previous leaders. Hitler saw a provinant new european country Russia and it's borders and planned on taking that.

    Obviously the English and French didn't want them gaining any more power, I mean Germans have been ravaging Europe for centuries. The thought of them gaining power was a scary thought.

    Now this being said, most of what Hitler promised he delivered on, he may not of won the war, but nobody will argue that Hitler had the best planning into the war. He was able to hold off the allied forces(for a long time), while nearly conquering Russia. Considering the size and scope of all of this and what he actually was able to achieve, he accomplished alot.

    If the allies had never gotten involved, Russia would of been toast, and much of what we know of Russia would be all germany right now.
  14. The reichstag was most definitely burned by a communist, he was helped by the Nazis, as he was known to be kind of "simple". I've read a lot about it, and I strongly believe the act was perpetrated and organized by Nazis.


    IGOTJOINTS, you are indeed right, Hitler even admired nations like England, and attempted many times to approach them and be their allied. (Communism being their common enemy). Many delegations were sent, on both side. (It's the main reason now that we look back on history we don't understand why Chamberlain would endure to talk with such a monster, he wasn't a monster to the world, yet.)

    Like he wrote in Mein Kampf, in the first chapters, he believed the expansion should go east. Since most of the germans under "governement who denied their sovereighty" were east.

  15. He did kill a lot of the opposition, or injured them gravely so they couldn't attend at the Reichstag.

    Alan Bullock is one author that explores that part, also with Stern.

  16. #16 IGOTJOINTS4YA, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2008
    I mean while his Nazi party was gaining appeal, yes when they were in power they silenced anybody that would stand to hurt there parties appeal.

    I mean that is the whole crux of Hitlers idea, set up one political party. He did this mainly because as a whole most in politics opposed Marxism, but Marxism held enough constituents to function in the government. By making 1 party he was able abolish partisan bickering and make a hatred for the idea he wanted cast out.
    I think we look at Hitler as a barbaric squadral, but we lose sight that some of the greatest ideas and furthering of advancements of humankind were done during and soon after mass killings of people.

    Whether it be Romans who pioneered in ways of engineering while also killing and enslaving thousands, or the Egyptians who made mass projects of agriculture all the while enslaving countless people. Even the father of democracy Alexander the great, who was arguably the most blood thirsty men of all time, openly racist towards Asians(even though his first wife was Persian), and overall could be looked at as a monster.

    Alexander brought in an age of enlightenment, and just like Alexander who dreams were his whole life to "go east" like all the great Greek heroes like Hercules or Prometheus where he could open his mind and unite the world under 1 king for the better life of all people.

    I could see Hitler an art student from Vienna who loved history reading this about the father of Democracy and wanting to emulate it. I mean Hitlers goal was to go east and make a prosperous land, and at the model he had he would had surpassed the united states and well surpasses western Europe by now. The
    Bourgeois of western Europe and America would not have this.

    Hell to an extent he did now that I think about it, his whole political model was exactly like that of Macedonians, not a bit of difference. The way he set up his military, to the way he did other executive actions, and to the way he set up his future projects, personified that figure. Alexander could not of rallied the Macedonians, if it weren't for his hatred toward asians, namely Persians.

    I find it odd how nobody i have ever heard make this connection, may be because we live in a different time, and things of Hitler happened in our life time.

    Everybody that agrees with Marxism talks about a society of
    Proletarians holding rule and there being no Bourgeois. Hitlers hated this, he felt that if it was manageable everyone should be Bourgeois as possible, and those that remain Proletarian should be treated more fairly because it was in the best interest of the state to do so. This I totally agree with Hitler and why on a political compass I mirror his liberal views. Where I differ from him on the political compass is his stretch of fascist tendencies, but it is obvious of that to me is mainly because I do not feel expansion is in the best interest of my industry and well being of my country anymore and Hitler did.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Hitler the Artist defines Degenerate Art[/ame]

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