American's and our View on sex.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Dougdomo, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Ok, so the other day I was having diner at a restaurant with my mother, father, uncle, his wife and her niece, which is 12(I am dubbing her "little one"). We were talking about the movie Red, when a discussion on R rated films came up and how "little one" wanted to see Saw. My aunt was against taking her to see it since she is 12 and "little one" said this, "My mom is fine with me seeing R rated movies, as long as there are no sexual situations in them. She is ok with the gore and violence". This blew my mind. I am not for using profanity in my posts, as I feel it detracts from the intelligence behind it, but what the fucking cunt socks. Then I started thinking. What the hell has come to America? This is not a secluded incident. I find that Americans in general, treat sex as some depraved, sinful act, that we preform behind closed doors, and should feel gross and dirty afterwards. I just never thought it would get to this point, where parents are fine with their children viewing murder, pillaging, and all around candy fun time violence, but mention a single good ol' titty slap, and they blow a god damn lid. Anyone who is capable of reading this, test tube monstrosities aside, is the result of sex. And lets not dumb it down here, sex is not something beautiful, magical, fairy tale story made by pixar, that two people share. It is an animalistic act, that is hot, sweaty, and dripping with secretions, and oh god does it feel good. I don't understand how, as a country, we are so embarrassed by something that is hardwired into our very genetics. We are literally born to fuck, and our "abstinence only" outlook on it is illogical, and quite frankly, disturbing.
  2. This nation did get built by quakeriffic people.
    And I know what you mean, and it's odd when you meet people from other countries and how open they are about sex and they are so confused when they get here, they think American's are all prudes or somethin.
  3. The media bombards everybody with sex on the TV and the radio, trying to trick people into thinking that promiscuous sex is acceptable and even respectable. Its part of the way to desensitize society to the sinful act outlined in the bible. I'm not even a Christian, but I think its fucked up that mainstream rap nowadays worships fucking ho's (spell it the fuck right), getting money, gangbanging, and all these other mindless negative acts.

    The very moral fabric of America is being undone, and for what reason? Do you really wanna know? Because it involves secret societies, the presidents, and worshipping satan. Start doing research now, because knowledge is power
  4. I agree. America is sexually repressed, and at the same time, sexually crude. I have been to several European countries, and they are just like, "Yea, it's sex. It's really fun", but they are not obsessed, or repulsed, by it. It's just something that is a natural part of their lives.
  5. Dont they also give out condoms at schools (knowing that the kids are gonna be having sex anyways) and have exponentially lower STD rates? I think the government is trying to infect as many people as they can. But then again, I believe AIDS was made in a lab. I love conspiracies
  6. I think Americans (not all, of course) care alot more than the rest of the world about the way they're perceived. And they'd do anything to keep that 'good' image alive even if it involves putting some kind of virtual restriction on something as natural as sex. It's kinda sad:cool:
  7. I heard American girls rank low in flirting scores, and that makes me sad

  8. I agree. You constantly hear "Perception is everything" but really it is not. Perception is just perception. Who gives a fuck?
  9. There are only a few states that don't teach "abstinence" only sex ed. In fact, a Texas DA used a law that is meant to punish pedophiles, on teachers that were trying to teach the proper use of condoms in class, AKA doing their fucking jobs. When the government offered to give more funding to teach sex ed, under the condition that it would be abstinence only, California refused, instead doing their own classes on the subject that actually teach "sex education. And what do you know, teen pregnancy is on the decline in California. There have been massive amounts of research that show Abstinence only programs actually cause birth rates to rise. Programs that actually do teach about sex, don't just hand out condoms and say "Go fuck". They explain to teens what sex is, why they should put it off, how to have safe sex when they finally do decide to have sex, and generally treat them as adults. Abstinence only programs on the other hand, are overzealous, mostly fundamentalist christian backed, and teach kids one thing, don't have sex or else. That's stupid. Let's tell a bunch of sex hormone crazed teenagers, that are at the age of sexual discovery, to just not have sex. Yea, that will work real well. Oh, and while we're at it, lets not tell them a single thing about having safe sex, because teenagers always listen to adults, and since we told them to not have sex, we have nothing to worry about them getting STDs. The vast majority of America needs to wake up. A weeding ring does not prevent STDs, contraceptives prevent STDs, and if we are going to become a healthier nation, we need to start teaching their proper use in schools, and stop being so god damn embarrassed by it.

  10. Repression feeds obsession.
  11. Seems like sex is more impressionable on a young girl than violence. At 12, shes just learning about it, so I wouldn't want a 12 year old to see things of a sexual nature either. But the odds of her having sex regardless are very high, so it doesn't really make a difference to me. Ive been playing violent video games since I was 12, and it hasn't or will ever influence me to wanna blow someones head off.

    But even with sex, your either gonna have it or not, a movie or some rap music shouldn't have the great of an affect on your decisions. But do I wanna see it or hear it? No. If I'm having sex, it doesn't bother me as much. But if I'm not planning on having sex, I damn sure dont wanna see or listen to sexually explicit material.
  12. Of course not. What I am trying to say, is that parents make a HUGE deal about sex, instead of just being relaxed and open about it. It's sex, we all do it(most of us any way). I just don't understand how someone would be ok with their child seeing saw, but if something has even a little bit of sexuality in it, then that is just wrong. That doesn't make sense in the lest bit.

  13. Because it's impressionable on kids, especially at the vulnerable age of 12. Never have I seen a violent movie, game, song, etc influence someone to become violent. However, exploiting sex in the media has done more than a fantastic job at corrupting young kids. But we shouldn't be influenced by it, yet most of us have and we really don't even notice it.
  14. That's why I think it is important to act like sex is just a natural part of life, and stop making a big deal of it. If we act like it is something crude, shameful, or embarrassing, it is unhealthy. I am not saying that the things we see about sex on tv are a good thing, but I feel we make such a big deal of it, that it is actually fueling it. Most of the sex we see on tv and in the news is done as a "shock" factor. By being angry at the news, and not teaching our children "proper" sexual education, we risk the repressed sexual society we have become. By being logical with our children and not embarrassed that they are interested in something of this nature, or just plain forbidding it's existence, we are protecting them. If a child is more informed on what sex is, what the outcomes of sex entails( both positive and negative), and what they can do to decrease the negative effects, we insure that they have a better chance of not becoming "sluts", contracting a disease, or having a pregnancy at the time in their lives when they can not afford this. But being ashamed of sex, and displaying a...."mysterious" air when it comes to the subject, and not treating our children with respect when they are clearly capable of understanding the subject,is very unhealthy. The 12 year old that was in question, is very mature for her age, and she obviously has an idea on how sex works. But, instead of her parents being logical and answering any and all of the "questions"(I emphasize that because it is highly dependent on the questions she is asking, and the way they are asked) she had, they are forbidding her from mentioning it, which causes repression. Which in turn causes a "closedness", where people tend to be secretive about their sex life, and thus more often then not, do not use contraceptives, which cause STDs and teen pregnancy, and also leads to unhealthy relationships.
  15. I get what you mean. Sugercoating and ignoring it is just gonna cause them to be illprepared, unknowledgable, and has a high risk of causing them to not practice proper methods like being safe, not becoming promiscuous, etc. But give the parents some slack. Their little daughter is fast becoming a woman, and that's very scary for a parent, epspecially when a year ago she was playing with dolls and calling her mommy and now her hormones will be raging and she'll be lusting after boys. It's hard, but eventually, and soon theyre gonna have to buck up and give her "the talk". Delaying it isn't gonna be good at all, so I understand what you mean.
  16. I agree, I might have been over harsh, seeing as how I am not a parent. I guess seeing things from a third-person perspective, tends to give you a less personal experience.
  17. This actually reminds me that I saw a very interesting presentation about America's view on sex. We're basically the opposite of most of the world (just like drug legalization). Other countries do not show gratuitous violence like we do. There, they censor violence but have a much better sex ed programs. Young children are all informed in a thorough way about sex. They don't watch scare tactic videos or condom on bananas. As a result, they have much less teen pregnancy and far fewer STDs. America, on the other hand, muddles the actual reasons for sex and creates confused adolescents. There are many lessons America needs to learn from other parts of the globe, and sexual education is definitely one of the most important.

  18. That condom on banana thing actually made me realize how immature the media is when it comes to sex. They glorify and show it off everywhere, but I wish it was like some areas in Europe where it's discussed openly and taught in depth. We're getting a lot of our education from tv really, and thays just awful. But honestly, I see a purposeful trend going around:

    Weed isnt dangerous, gives you pleasure: make it illegal
    Sex is natural, gives you pleasure: don't educate on the irreversible negatives
    Alcohol is good/bad: make it legal regardless
    Cigarettes...I dont get their purpose: make it legal regardless

    I see a trend of, if they can profit from it, do the opposite to help it. They know putting sex in our faces with little information will lead to some financial benefit: teenage girl has sex with little to no information:
    $Buys birth control/condoms (doesn't use them properly)
    $$Pregnancy: doctor visits, medicines...
    All that profit from one misinformed teenager.

    Maybe I've been watching too much Ace Ventura lately (love that friggin guy! :D) but I think they know they can profit off us when were irresponsible and misinformed. Credit card companies take advantage of people everyday by charging insane amounts of interest on our unpaid bills, no one will make weed legal since they can't profit from it. Fast food places sell us garbage at a cheap price, infusing them with stuff so you'll be coming back again and again. I've learned in my little 18 years of life never to trust the higher power, and they don't give a damn about us.
  19. I agree. When I was in Amsterdam I saw a billboard where a woman was sitting behind a man, with a breast clearly visible. The thing is, they don't treat it as a big thing, or a huge marketing scheme. It's just a breast, it's attractive. I feel that the huge masses of Americans, could take HOURS of lessons from European countries. If we would only get our heads out of our asses, and stop spreading the "The EN wants to take ma guns!" conspiracy, I feel we would progress rather far as a nation. Right now, we appear as immature 20 somethings to the rest of the world.
  20. One Word: Repression

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