America: What a (fucked up) country!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Mary Jane Wanna, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. #1 Mary Jane Wanna, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2010
    My mom and stepdad always talk about how America is such a great country, how we have it better than everyone else in the world. BULLSHIT. I live in Seattle, rated as one of the metro areas with the lowest crime rates in the country. Yesterday I got to hear a friends story about how some new guatemalan gang in town is fucking shit up everywhere. While the town I live in is shit I admittably live in the rich person area. But today was the real shocker, I walk downstairs from my bedroom to see that my mom and stepdad ahve bought a fucking SHOTGUN! No not one of those shotgun looking pellet rifles, I mean an actual gun. My mom used to be superduper anti gun and my step dad was never comfortable with the concept of one in the house. There have been daytime robberies going on a few blocks away from my house and they want to be prepared in case something happens. What a great country. We live in a city with one of the lowest crime rates yet we have to lock all our doors and buy a fucking shotgun. Some of my friends dont even leave their door unlocked anymore when they go outside to smoke a ciggarette.

    Edit: please dont post the typical "go to darfur/india/somalia/etc and see what you think" response. I am pointing out how America isnt the great and grand utopia people make it out to be. Not trying to say its fucked up to the point of darfur.
  2. You kiddin' me, right?

  3. Yeah man, you guys are doing it wrong.

    I dont remember the last time I locked my door and I have never had a problem with people breaking in.
  4. I agree. I'm from a town in the midwest (look at my screen name its a bit of a hint) and the amount of shootings and other types of violent crimes have sky rocketed, and the thing is its not even gangs doing it to other gangs. Its just people shooting other people over minor shit. Its getting to the point that its fucking ridiculous
  5. i always lock my doors because shit happens. last thing you need is some weirdo breaking in and making you into steaks.
  6. I often wonder if cities have started bullshitting their crime statistics so they can create the illusion that things are under control. In the Seattle-Tacoma area 6 cops were murdered within one month. Tacoma has earned the nickname of tacompton. In seattle the ghettos are getting worse even with beautification and rezoning underway.
  7. America is a fucked up country? Go to Somalia or North Korea or something. See if you still think America is a fucked up country. I agree that it's not the best, but cmon, it could be alot worse and take it into perspective. Tons and tons of people in america, not everybody can be watched at once, shit is going to happen.
  8. actually same thing happened with my family, but in california

  9. haha everyone laughs at me when i call it tacompton but some areas its actually rough...
  10. On the flipside, you should be grateful that you have the right and ability to own and use a firearm for protection
  11. shit man America is fucked up, but there are alot worse places in the world. try walking through the slums of india and see how u feel after that. but again america does kinda suck compared to some other countries
  12. #12 myACCOUNT, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2010
    Yeah bro, America is a shit hole.
  13. yeah well your in a big city where all the shit settles.

    What do you expect?

    Oh man a gun, what other options do you have? Not own one and then when Guatamalins break in and rape your mom and rape your step dad too I bet you'll want a gun.

    Every country has problems. Bad shit happens every where. If you think America is fucked up, try living in Darfur, or most of mexico for that matter, then come back and make the comparison. I bet you'll appreciate the life you have here alot more.
  14. The thing that makes America bad is that there is no class in crime here! In other countries, people might sneak in your house and take shit or pick pocket you or pull some big robbery, but over here, all they do is put a gun or knife to you and take your shit, or get 5 people to jump you. Criminals need to get some class, if you're gonna rob somebody at least be nice about it :D
  15. How is this surprising?
    Do you expect other countries don't have this?
    This is not a country thing. This is a people thing.
  16. When I went to South Africa the crime rates in some areas are ridiculous. My uncle has a permanent bodyguard, barbed wire around his property and a bunch of other security stuff. Like 6 people have been killed so far trying to rob him.

    It could definately be worse
  17. People's lives in other countries are many more times worse than Americans. Not all countries. But America has a lot of freedoms a ton of other countries don't have.
  18. Lets hope they bought a decent one , id recommend the Moss 500 :smoke:
  19. So are you saying that normal people don't lock their doors? I kinda thought everybody did it. So your parents own a shotgun. Your car has airbags right? Not everbody gets into crashes, even cautious drivers have them in case a bad situation springs up.
  20. Is it not plain obvious that Americans having the need for a fire arm for protection is instantly meaning that there is that threat present? Here in Australia you wouldn't need a gun no matter where you live. I mean common I have always agreed that America is kinda fucked up

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