Amazing dream about going into the past

Discussion in 'General' started by AlbertBudstein, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. So... last night I was talking about time travel with a friend. We both think it is possible, but certainly not anytime soon. I started to think about how cool it would be to go back in time and meet people before social media, and see how people interacted with each other.

    My dream started with me back when I was in 9th grade. Had a few moments where I was in highschool still, then all of a sudden I was in a tree house back in the 1980's. The best part, is that I was born in 1991 in real life, but in the dream I was 21, but in the 80's, instead of 2012. It was a group of about 11 of us, all sitting in a tree house with a little TV to watch movies, and people wearing all the old style clothing. In my dream, they told me that we all had hung out before, but I thought it was impossible, since I live in 2012. But then I realized, I had went back in time once before to chill with them in the same setting.

    I remember we had a little TV with a VHS player, and we just rented one of the first Friday the 13th movies. Not exactly sure which one it was, but I know that it just had come out on video, and no one saw it yet.. except for me.. many many times. I kind of just sat in the corner, observing everyone and seeing how they interacted back then. To my surprise, it was really no different than how we interact today with people. But one key difference was the fact that they couldn't search things up online on their smart phones. They couldn't cause drama on facebook. They couldn't tweet to one another, or get a vicious text message. Nope, they all just interacted with EACH OTHER in person.

    This was the greatest thing about my dream. I was back in a time where their was absolutely no social media. While we sat there and watched Friday the 13th, we all did just that. We watched it. No one was getting their phone out during the movie and losing concentration. It was just us, the movie, and the treehouse. I noticed this during my dream, and got so amazed by this, and realized I never wanted to come back to my time.

    Eventually in my dream, I told them I was from the future. Of course, they all laughed at me and made fun of me, but in a fun way. I didn't mind it, so I took out my phone. I went over and showed them what a touch screen phone looks like, how I can go on the internet, how I can text message my friends, how my ID said I turned 21 in 2012. I showed them all this, and yet still none of them truthfully believed me. That was the weirdest part of my dream. The fact that no matter how many futuristic things I had, they simply did not believe that I was from the future...

    It was so weird, but then they wanted to go to a liquor store and get some alcohol. I said okay, and was excited to see how the store clerk would feel when they asked for my ID and it said under 21 until 2012.

    I just woke up, so my memory is starting to fuzz out of the dream. But I thought I would share with what I remember. Being back in a simpler time with no social media distractions. Just you and your friends, interacting with eachother. It was a much more friendly, wholesome environment. And people seemed to be there for one another, and know eachother on a more personal level. Not on a tweeting level.

    Have a good day everyone, and remember to talk to one another! I wish I could honestly go back to this dream every night, it was such an amazing dream for me, and I never felt so good for a little bit.

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