Amanita versus cubensis

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by tokeabowl11, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Everyone always has cubes, who has tried both and I am curious to hear what you thought of the amanitas.
  2. Amanitas suck unless youre in to feeling like shit and seeing things... I'd rather feel really good and see things, right?

    Magic Mushrooms for President
  3. yeah man what he said.

    i tried amanita once but it was a very horrible experience because i had been drinking tons of rum and doing bumps of cocaine ate too much amanita and it wasnt fully dry so i spent MANY hours puking and dry heaving. felt like shit for like a week after.
  4. Amanita for me is a much more sinister and dissociative like experience... I wouldn't call it fun or enlightening, just "different"... it's not a bad experience but it certainly is nothing like cubes.

    You all know my stance on cubes.
  5. It's like comparing apples to oranges man, you can't really do it. Good quality amanitas are hard to come by, but are good when you do (imho). They give you some crazy dreams too. Cubes are, well, cubes. You trip balls, and have a good time.
  6. Ive done both, and the amanitas had me feeling like I was the scum of the universe....
  7. Wow..amanitas don't even compare to cubes
    Amanita isn't even enjoyable

    Get some copes if you can
  8. Amanitas < Cubes

    Amanita leaves me feeling like I got hit by a truck going 60 and leaves me delerious and seeing things I know arent there.

    Cubes are much more pleasant, but ultimately look into finding another psilocybe strain.
  9. Psilocybes are definitely better if you're just looking for a good trip and some fun. You really, really have to learn to appreciate amanitas, they aren't for most people.
  10. i ate just over a quarter oz of amanita's i bought off ebay.

    big fucking mistake. i havent even thought about trying the shit again. had me up for about 6 hours with black and blue all around my eyes, i thought i was gonna die the whole time. just layed on my bed sweating and my stomach was churning. fuck that.
  11. Has anyone else here tried smoking the amanitas or only eating them? I've noticed when I peel the skin and smoke that shit I don't feel anywhere near as nauseous and I get some better effects..
  12. I smoked them my first time. much more pleasant then etaing but still sucks compared to psilocybes
  13. aren't amanitas legal? i remember buying a little thing of them from a headshop before i ate the whole package and it didn't do shit.
  14. Amanitas are legal, and you probably didn't feel anything because you need to eat about a 1/4oz to really feel it.
  15. Pretty sure amanitas are poisonous no?
  16. #16 KeinMitleid, Feb 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2009
    Amanita muscaria isn't toxic per se, although they sometimes do have high enough amounts of muscarine to make you sick. It's considered inedible/poisonous by most field guides and books you will find though. There is always the chance though that you can get some really bad ones, especially if you pick them wild.
  17. i did that. oh you mean feel like you're fucking body is shutting down on you?
  18. First off, like any kind of trip or drug, effects will vary from person to person (i.e. you getting sick off of them, compared to other people who don't..)

    And second, you are buying fucking mushrooms off Ebay, next time find a good supplier.

    Third, almost anywhere you look, an average dose of amanitas starts off around 7-14g.

    I can't talk for anyone but myself when it comes to the effects you feel, and I don't claim to. I'm just going by what I know/have experienced and what the general consensus seems to be.
  19. I've always heard that the skins of amanitas were very pleasant to smoke, like a super heavy/trippier mj high yet not anything like tripping on psilocybin in terms of intensity(which is okay)...and yes they're legal, i plan to order some and smoke the skins when i get the time/money :D

    that said, i'd like to eat like 10g...i could put up with the illness for a lil enlightenment, if there is infact enlightenment to be had from amanitas haha

    didn't some historical group of warriors eat amanitas before battle and become like beserkers and stuff?
  20. These are amanitas:


    They can cause liver toxicity at high doses and tend to have more of a dissociative effect, rather than the trippy high from cubes/

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