Am i in for a good night?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Canned Heat, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. About an hour ago I popped 3 10mg roche vals that usually don't work for me. I've popped 4 one time and didn't feel shit. But I know the source very well and also know people who take the same exact pills and they all feel it.

    And I smoke a lot of weed. I am a medi patient so my access is thru the roof up here in SF.

    I'm high pretty much all day even tho I have a professional job and go to school.

    But the kicker is that I just dropped 7 hits of somewhat bunk acid. A few friends have taken this acid with no effects and a few have taken it with decent results. Mos def not good shit, that's why I have 7 under my tongue right now. Might not even be acid, might be a DOC or something called like that.

    Anyways, tonight might be crazy fun, or it might all just be bunk shit and I will end up doing the HW I really should be doing anyways :)

    peace city
  2. You're mixing valium and acid? Why? Such a beautiful drug tainted by such a shitty pharm, such a shame.
  3. TBH, no reason in particular, as an experiment I guess. But like I said, the valium doesn't do much if anything for me.
  4. PS it's 420 where I am so I am swallowing the blotter and gonna go smoke a bowl. I seriously hope I won't be able to update this thread later I will be in such a funk. But I don't think that's the case with the meds I've got at this moment. Except for the weed. Can't get better stuff in Amsterdam lol. Gotta love cali.
  5. Well if the blotter is real poor quality like you say, then I guess 7 hits may give you a mellow to a medium effect. But yah, just smoke a shit load of pot to get yourself in a good spot and keep smoking to sustain the trip.

  7. Can you fax me some?

    And btw, acid blocks out other drugs. Try to get drunk on acid and see what happens. So if the acid works it will block out the benzos/
  8. What are you talking about man!? all the best lucy comes out of cali!
  9. Acid blocks out other drugs? Ummm, no.
  10. Perhaps not blocks, maybe overpower is a better word. I've taken acid a ton of times, 20+ and from my own experience I can't get fucked up on other drugs.

    I've drank a ton of alcholol on several occasions, enough that should make me drunk out of my mind, but all that happened was I puked, not drunk. I've taken a good deal of klonopins while tripping (enough that should make me stupid) and the same thing, nothing happened.

    I will say weed works fine, but as for drinking or taking other drugs it seems like the effects of the lsd overpower them, or "block" them out.

    The same can be said for several friends of mine, who were tripping with me. Perhaps it is due to the potency of the acid, or maybe I'm just wrong, but from experience thats what happened to me.

    Maybe not all drugs are blocked or weakend, but I am not alone with the fact that alcholol
  11. That is definetly a better phrasing for it. Acid definetly over powers many certain drugs, I feel benzos and opiates are not one of them. I just never understand why anyone would ever want to consume alcohol while on psychedelics. You're taking a drug that expands your mind and consciousness, heigthens your senses, and unlocks your mind, and then you drown it in a drug that numbs your brain, numbs your senses and makes you act like a moron. Just does not compute with me.

    Then again, I hate the feeling of being drunk by itself. I like to keep my wits about me. I'll drink a few beers in a social setting to loosen up and have a fun time, but never ever enjoy or want to get drunk.
  12. Most of the time when I've taken acid it has been in social environments. I don't mind tripping with people who are not. I enjoy tripping but still taking part in the group activities, drinking some beers, shots whatever. It never lessened the trip though.

    I've only taking benzos on acid once and it didn't do anything, so perhaps it is only alcholol that doesn't work on acid.

    It got bad for some of my friends, they almost ended up with lq poisioning because they consumed so much and didn't get drunk
  13. The first thing benzos take away are hallucinations. You kinda just fucked yourself on that one :(

  14. wrong, u can take benzo's to bring down a trip, thats what they'll give u at the hospital if u go in freakin out
  15. Acid only blocks alcohol and for weed it just intensifies it (just being a bad word because it intensifies it a LOT for me sometimes making it a more unstable trip though thats just fine with me :p
  16. i dont know. i could drop cid. and still get drunk, and still get high. i have performed this feat on multiple occasions.

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