I got arrested on simple domestic assault for fighting my brother, and just got a letter in the mail saying I need to go to this assessment location: drug abuse foundation - main campus. Do you think I will be drug tested? If so, what will happen? Will they know I smoke 6-8 blunts a day?
yah dude they will use there mind reading skills and be like " Hey u see Trollinz IT over there, I heard he got arrested for a simple domestic assault charge, let's drug test him because im reading his mind right now and he smokes 6 to 8 blunts a day.
why would they send you to a drug abuse place for a domestic violence issue... i would hope not man, but knowing how florida is maybe they just wanna see if you're a pill head
Good yo theyll be like damnn that shits dank as fuck and let me go instead of prosecuting me if I split my next half zip with em
Oh god just imagine if you were at the probation department getting a urinalysis and you just went in the room for like 15 minutes (all while making grunting/fapping noises) and came out with the cup full of semen Just imagine your PO's face