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Am I Doing This Right So Far?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by GokuSmokesDank, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. So I have 2 bag seeds and I germinated them. They grew nice taproots. I put them about a half inch into the soil and after 3 days I saw a little sprout. It's been about 5 days since the initial sprout and I just would like to know if this is how far the plants should be along. Also all I've done is water I haven't given extra nutrients or anything. I'm only using distilled water.

    Plant 1



    Plant 2



    I was slightly worried about the roots being so dark but this is only my second attempt at growing so maybe I'm worrying for nothing and the roots will turn green soon. I've also heard that certain genetics can be the cause of purple or reddish roots but I feel like that is a rare case. My plan right now is to let my plants drink up most of the water, (haven't watered for about 3 days because the soil is still moist below the surface and I want the plant to try it's best to grow its roots to find water). Every once in a while I will see that they are bending one way but when I face them slightly away from the sun they begin to go towards it again and stand straight up. Is this a good solution or is there something I should do instead of making them follow the sun.

    Sorry for such a large amount of questions lol but I want this to work out as best as possible.

    Thanks for any help!

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  2. When you are saying "roots" are you referring to the stalk?

    FYI, your seedling looks perfectly normal.
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  3. Looks perfect. They can be slow starters, but it will take off soon. Just ensure it's in an area where it gets 12+ hours of light.

    Marijuana will always follow the sun/light, just like a Sunflower does. Pretty cool huh? Don't turn one side or the other to let it get more light, this will actually cause stress in the long run. The plant will distribute the light energy evenly, don't worry! (This is even true indoors, stop turning your plants people.) Sounds like you are doing your watering perfect as well. My roots are always white, so not sure why you have dark roots...
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  4. They are perfectly fine. Plants naturally go for the light and thats okay. Maybe rotate the pots a few times a day if you wish. Here was my bagseed around day 5.

    And these are my other seedlings today, day 7. There fem tho

    Hope this helps and just continue letting them do there thing.
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  5. Look good buddy. Good luck and happy growing
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  6. When I said roots I did mean the stalk haha

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  7. Okay and yes, they start out darkly colored that way. Usually a green and dark purple color under what looks like peach fuzz. All perfectly healthy at this point. The air from a fan or just the wind (if it's outside) will help strengthen the stalk and as it grows larger the color will change as it becomes stronger. You're in a+ condition right now.

  8. Plant 1



    Plant 2



    Alright so since last I've posted things have been going well. The plants kind have gotten a bit of watering from my sprinklers by accident and I really hope that the water from the sprinklers doesn't damage the plant. Whenever any water droplets got on the plant I would take it out of direct sunlight so it would not burn my plant.

    I have a couple worries though. On plant 1 it seems that the leaf on the bottom is a little tan. I'm not sure what could have caused this so if anyone could give me suggestions on how to fix that I would appreciate it. Also on plant 2 I feel that the 2nd pair of true leaves are looking a little weak but maybe that's just me worrying too much?

    Thank you to all who have already responded. It's great to have people to take a bit of guidance from.

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  9. No nutes till they've had a chance to build a root system, get back to putting on foliage and GREW to a point where they have used up some of the nutrients in the soil. Not sure what kind of soil you're using, but it doesn't look that great. It would be worth the money to invest in a bag of good quality grow soil. They don't like you keeping their roots soaked all the time...which I know that outside you can't control the rain, etc., and it doesn't seem to bother them quite like it does on the inside. But they look perfectly healthy. They're building a root system right now and you'll see them start to begin to put on foliage at a faster rate once they get their root system in place. Until then, it's gonna seem like they're growing slow....till they put their roots down. TWW
  10. I'm using Fox Ocean Forest Soil and I hadn't wanted to water them rather I was trying to not water them for a while so that they would attempt to grow better roots in search of water. It's going to be pretty hot today around 104 so I'm hoping that will evaporate a lot of the extra water that the sprinklers got in there. I bought the fox ocean forest because a lot of people said it was one of the best soils to just be able to water after planting for the first 4 to 6 weeks before putting nutes in.

    I'm still somewhat worried about that tan spot on plant 1 though. I don't want a certain factor to be causing leaves to die.

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