Am I combusting? Invisible vapor..

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Chimera Prod, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. I can't really tell the exact temp on my SSV but when I exhale vapor clouds they are not visible in normal lighting. I have a really powerful light on my phone though that I use when I exhale, when I put it close to the vapor then I can see thick clouds. But when I take away the close powerful light and I'm in normal lighting I can't see the vapor at all, its practically invisible to the naked eye.

    My question is, am I combusting if I can see only see the vapor with a close powerful beam light?
    Or is it still vapor?
  2. If you are combusting, you would see smoke.

    What you are describing is vapor.
  3. I can usually see vapor in normal lighting when I use my volcano, and I've seen SSV's put out vapor clouds that put mine to shame. Watch some YouTube videos and compare yours to them. Also, you have to understand that huge vapor clouds are inefficient, because any vapor exhaled is vapor not absorbed by your lungs, so it is wasted. If you still get high but don't see alot of vapor on the exhale, then it's not all bad, because you're conserving weed.
  4. Thanks alot! I'm just trying to stay at a healthy temperature to avoid the most carcinogens I can, so if you can see your vapor in normal day lighting with a volcano and your not using a combusting temperature?
  5. You might actually be able to bump up the temp a hair

    Where is it set now? 12 o'clock? 1?

    I usually make small increments, think 1/8th" at a time until I find my sweet spot

    Another way to see if you're combusting it to look at the bud inside the wand, what color is it?

    light brown/tan: temp can be slightly higher
    brown/dark brown: ideal
    black: too high, lower the temp
    ash: way too damn high
  6. It's hard to tell because I messed up the nob and turned it back a bit the other way. So I've been guaging it by how bright the heating element is in the dark.
    I turn up till I can just barely see some orange. I'm hoping thats a safe temperature
  7. Nope! I'm not combusting, and like the last person said, it's really easy to tell by looking at the color of the bud when you're done. If you're brown you're great, if you're black you're not. But you'll definitely be able to taste smoke from vapor when you've gotten a feel for it.
  8. kk well I've never had it black, not even dark brown, mostly dark green and light brown, but sometimes It starts to taste bad, but the bud is still not even dark brown. should I really go by taste or color?

    I usually throw away the weed when its dark green and light brown because of the taste, but one time I tried to re-use it because I was dry and It had so much thc still left on it I could blaze it for a while at the low temperature I use. Only thing is the taste starts to get bad
  9. Go by the color! It'll stop producing alot of vapor when it's dark brown all around, and it'll start to taste like burnt popcorn almost. And then when it's all a dark brown, save it, because you can make edibles with the vapings. I always keep the temp low for green bud, and then turn it up as I'm vaping to keep coaxing more vapor out the weed. There is a learning curve lol, but you'll get it. And remember to keep stirring it in the wand every few hits to make sure it's all getting heated up evenly.
  10. really sweet, well the thing is it starts to taste like burnt popcorn even though the color isnt that brown. It's like dark green lightish brown. Do you just deal with the taste until its all really dark brown?

    I'm mainly concerned that maybe more combustion starts to happen even at low temps if you keep blazing through it, maybe you are suposed to stop when its dark green and as soon as the taste gets bad?
  11. Stir it every 3-4 hits, so that way dark green parts also become light brown

    Try to mark it with a small dab or nail polish or a sharpie, so once you find the sweet spot it'll be easier for the future

    I stop vaping when the taste gets bad, which is usually mid-brown, no green whatsoever

    if it starts to taste bad, stir and bump the temp up VERY little, maybe 1/16 or 1/8 higher, if that, and draw a few more hits

    Take a pic after you're done with a bowl and post it, a good close up pic, we can probably tell you if its too early

  12. Besides stirring, I dump the bowl out in my palm and crumble it up between my fingers to expose more surface and then reload for that last hit.

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