So here's the lowdown, I live in ATL, GA. It's now 37 degrees out and I need to smoke... What does one do when its cold in GA and needs to smoke? Cold weather typically does not bother me as I was born in Kentucky and lived in Connecticut but damn the wind fuckin kills! Help thou fellow stona!
If your trying to avoid smoking in the cold i gues u cud hotbox a department store bathroom or somthing... I say just smoke inside.. If your worried about smell then blow ur smoke into a pillow or matress to trap the smell... Or use a sploof
There is nothing better than putting on a bunch of layers and blazing up in the cold. It might be bad for a sec but the buzz will warm you up, guaranteed.
Geez, when I was a youngster I had this itty bitty toker. It was about an inch and a half long made out of aluminum and had a rubber mouthpiece on it. I think it was about 3/4 inch or less in diameter with a screen on both ends inside to contain the herbal. That little sucker could hold about 3 joints worth packed tight inside and with just a small hole at the end the weed would only burn whilst there was fire held to it. It was very awesome as it was so small I could take it anywhere and just fire it up around a corner or behind something. Absolutely no smoke came out of it at all. The only smoke was what I exhaled, and I learned to hold it in so long I barely let out a wisp. I used that little toker everywhere, I worked at a factory so I smoked it every single day right at work, sometimes in the bathroom, sometimes right on the work floor behind stacks of boxes or bins of aluminum. I took it to Disney World, smoked inside the big sphere at Epcot right on the ride. Anywhere there was a private little area I could fire up a toke or two. Wish I still had it, when I quit toking back in '87 or '88 I guess I threw it away and now I scour the sites looking for a new one but have not been able to find one anywhere.