all natural grow?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by repctx254, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. okay so i plan on doing an all natural grow. (no nutes or treated soil)
    just plain fertile central texas black gumbo dirt.
    our area has highly fertile soil, so should i have problems?

    also i wanna start the seed in a solo cup grow in my window that okay?
    and how long can it stay there til it needs to be moved outside?
    i want to keep it there as long as possible because the weather here is unpredictable this time of year...its hot for seven days then it ices. so i want to wait a little bit into the spring when its more stable.

    any tips appreciated :)

    Note: my grandpa grows a 50x50 garden of jalapenos, tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions every year and has massive yields with no nutes. just to give you an indication of how fertile the soil is.
  2. can anyone help?

    and also the reason i want to do an organic grow is because (i live at home till out of high school) and my grandfather who i live with doesn't use nutes on his garden and me getting them would look awfully suspicious. they would think i was either growing weed or making explosives.
  3. wouldnt it be a good idea to ask your grandfather first? it would be a shame if he lost his garden and house over a bad choice you made
  4. thats true, but once my seeds sprout im planning on moving them into BFE, they wont be here at the house.

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