All Leaves are Slowly Dying...

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by donando, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. I'm day 57 of flower. The leaf tips are dying and curling up on all leaves... She's about done and I've been flushing, but I thought it was a prettier process. My leaves are all still green as fuck and perky but dying...

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  2. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1412808284.095477.jpg

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  3. Would this be considered abnormal?

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  4. Looks abnormal to me, as a matter of fact, I tried to differentiate between whether it was a clipped bud or the head of an "abnormal" plant. What say you?
  5. I wouldn't of wasted my time on that.
  6. looks like a very small plant and yeah has something going on with it.
  7. Lol thanks for the obvious.

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  8. #8 GrowTrees, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    When you flush the plant starts using the energy stored in its leaves, which is why they die. Its normal unless the whole plant looks like its dying
  9. #9 donando, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    And in no way is it a waste of time! I find it enjoyable to take plants that would normally be 7 ft and make them small. And if you can't appreciate that, then where's the passion in it? Do you always have to grow pounds at a time? What are you growing for if its not because you love it lol? Don't hate because I choose not grow trees. Any idiot can put a seed in the ground and let it get as big as they want. So unless you have insight to my question, you can fuck yourself to oblivion.

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  10. yeah that's what I figured was going on. I mean, it's a mutant and absolutely wouldn't reflect what would actually happen with the life size version. It was fun either way. I ended it today. It really stalled out for the last week.

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    So in a few weeks ill have a nick-bag...

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  11. I feel you on that, I'm making a micro grow that will fit only one 5" plant. Not because im trying to get a huge yield from it but because I wanna see how small I can keep a plant
  12. Alright buddy, enjoy.
  13. hell yeah that seems pretty extreme. I'm just waiting for my state to get their heads out of their asses so I can finally grow bigger plants without really having to worry.

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