All Because We Smoke A Plant

Discussion in 'General' started by bossman3, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. have anyone of you guys really simplified the laws on marijuana? we can go to jail for smoking a plant?! isn't that crazy? I'm so high and I just thought about this....a plant...I hide a plant from my parents and can go to jail for smoking a fucking flower...that's crazy
  2. Yea man. We know.
  3. You know what else is crazy? The resinous glands on the buds (THC) is a defense mechanism for the plant. Defending against what, idk, but I'm glad it does.
  4. Well a weed to be precise. Society is afraid of a natural plant that makes people feel different. I agree man, it's completely fucking retarded. People should be allowed to decide for themselves what they put in their bodies. And people need to learn not to fucking judge others for doing so. :smoking:
  5. [quote name='"qwertyasdf"']

    Well a weed to be precise. Society is afraid of a natural plant that makes people feel different. I agree man, it's completely fucking retarded. People should be allowed to decide for themselves what they put in their bodies. And people need to learn not to fucking judge others for doing so. :smoking:[/quote]

    Even people who do crack and hard drugs like that? Crackheads, etc, do more harm than good.
  6. People also could lose their own kids for smoking or growing a plant..its a sad world we live in.:confused_2:

  7. Bugs or something probably. But ya that is pretty cool.
  8. yeah man. humans lock other human beings in cages because of paper money and the smoke of a natural plant. call them bad people. because of the smoke of a plant. its wrong. who's morals am i being forced to live, and why? i was born into this world where everything was decided for me...they call that freedom? dafuq?
  9. They protect the flowers from everything from pests, heat (slows down the speed the plant sweats), uv rays. Also, it serves a good reproductive service, considering the effects it has psychoactively, it encourages help from outside species (us people.) to continue growing.
  10. Op.. You must be new.

    Let me help by stating this,
    The government loves weed but loves the..
    ,pharmaceutical companys
    All these would go "bankrupt" if our sweet mary got legal.
    Believe me i love my bud. She loves me. But of how perfect she is, she would put millions out of jobs for who work in those departments because she can put out sooooo much more better products then the "organic" crap.

    :bongin: haha. Can i get a response?
  11. [quote name='"rastaballer209"']Op.. You must be new.

    Let me help by stating this,
    The government loves weed but loves the..
    ,pharmaceutical companys
    All these would go "bankrupt" if our sweet mary got legal.
    Believe me i love my bud. She loves me. But of how perfect she is, she would put millions out of jobs for who work in those departments because she can put out sooooo much more better products then the "organic" crap.

    :bongin: haha. Can i get a response?[/quote]

    I agree just on toilet paper alone, if we used hemp toilet paper think of how many trees we would save, hemp is also drought resistant, isnt the U.S facing a drought right now? I know here in CO its been pretty dry

  12. those are just excuses stoners make to justify their condition.

    i smoke to get high.. i dont care about paper and lumber, i already got that shit. and biofuels are proven to be less effective than petroleum.

    even if you are right that weed is a good material for paper and clothes, "bankrupting" those companies would hardly create jobs.
  13. you said its a defense mechanism, but if I rip a marijuana plant right out the ground wont get high, if I eat it I wont get high, and your suppose to evaporate the plant to get the effects(defense mechanism) which means the plant is already being destroyed, so what are you really talking about.
  14. Well shit thanks for slamming my ideas asshole. Those are all true facts. Ive done my research on my medicine haha
    Some from granny as well.
  15. maybe it affects animals differently like they can digest it and get high?

    or maybe it is engineered by primitive humans to get high with?
  16. #16 VagDiddler, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012

    no problem i make it my mission to spread truth everywhere i go. you are now smarter than before you read my post.

    so your research say we should fire everyone that works for a lumber farm and have them grow weed then we will magically have more jobs?

    do you realize jobs cost money in the form of salaries? if you add 1 more job the company has to make at least that much more money. think about that while you smoke.
  17. #17 YoSmokinMan, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    ^No shit. If the company can not make more money with the additional employs(s) they are not hired.

    Lumber companies would not be bankrupt. People will always want hard wood. Pure pulp based companies will take a hit.

    Morange had it right. Trichomes and the compounds inside protect the plant from lots of insects and animals.

    The former gets stuck in the resin and the latter.. well have you ever bitten into a fresh bud? Yeah. The animal might do it once but never again!

    Certain cannabinoides like thc are also uv blockers as well as resistant to some molds/fungi.. UV rays can damage the seed. More uv fuller trichomes most of the time. Because the plants trying to protect the seed.

    We know this from many side-by-sides only differing in uv light.

    Starting from clones from the same mother grown the same way plants either supplemented with UVA/UVB or grown/finished (last 2 weeks) with a lamp that puts out these wavelengths such as an open fixture CMH or MH will produce fuller trichs than an HPS.. The same can be said for outdoor crops (obviously) bud it of course always comes down to the individual pheno regardless of indoor/outdoor.
  18. bunch of bs

  19. Sometimes people laugh when I am being serious. Sometimes people react serious when I am just fucking around.

    Such is Life.

    Reactions don't always go the way the actions try to push for. It can go in any number of directions.

    Such as this post.

    Some animals eat cyanide containing plants all day era day. Cyanide in the amount they eat would drop us to the ground and leave us to the rats and bugs.

    A plant's mechanism for defending against some animals or bugs might also be an attractor to drawing in humans to use it to get us high, cultivate it, try and perfect its genetics, thus helping it flourish,

    while at the same time getting us as giggly as a little school girl.

    It's a two way relationship,

    whether it wanted to intend that or not.

    Who's to say?

    Berries are said to often be red so animals can spot them from a far.

    Maybe cannabis smells good to us so that we can smell it from a far?

    Or maybe it happened by chance.

    Either way, humans have definitively proven that THC is not a defense mechanism against humans.

    This forum and stoners worldwide are the proof.

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