alice in wonderland

Discussion in 'Movies' started by shua, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. has anyone seen alice in wonderland since you got into the "drug scene"? watching it when you were a child doesn't count, because at that young of age you could never catch the amount of things hidden in the movie that you probably can now. i watch it all the time...that movie is BALLS TO THE WALL. the drug correlations and parallels are absolutely ridiculous. i mean, for real, eat this mushroom and you'll get way bigger, eat this mushroom and you'll get way smaller. how about when alice gets huge inside that house and then the walrus comes along and sings about "smoking the monster out". or the caterpillar scene...PHENOMENAL. a fucking caterpillar sitting on top of a shroom all day smokin a hookah, talking about how he's "exacatically three inches HIGH".

    seriously, go watch the movie. you don't even have to be high, although being so makes it ten times better.

    here's a link i found on the internet that explains a bunch of the symbolism and recurring themes within the movie:
  2. i havnt seen it since i was a kid and i dont remember much about it but i heard its really trippy when youre high. ill watch it high when i get the chance
  3. I watched it stoned a couple of days ago, it was awsome! :) hahaha yeah the paralells are extreme

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