Alex Jones

Discussion in 'General' started by Tjsams94, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Anyone listen to him?
  2. As unbelievable as it sounds, people actually listen to him.
  3. I hate that dude. Its amazing how he twists stuff and builds you up till the end when he says something crazy.

    He'll be talking for ten minutes and I'm agreeing with everything he says then he finishes with how 9/11 was a planned attack by the New World Order or some crazy shit. Its like "wait what?". Where did that come from?

    Its also amusing to me he sees conspiracies everywhere but not with Christianity. The IRONY cannot be overstated even in caps lock.
  4. fuuuuuuuuck no
  5. I'm amazed that people take him seriously, but that's the downside of the internet....never have people known so much about so little.
  6. Fucking losers take him seriousky on what. Umlaut

  7. lol listening to coast to coast is the same, or arguably worse, than alex jones lmao
  8. He jus speakks about anti gov corruption and anti police state. Is that so wrong? Freedom of speech people.
  9. Be specific. Ur suprised tht ppl believe him ab what? Be specific, give me an intellectually debate not some hyped up reaction based on ur un ability to accept an alternate version of reality

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