ALERT: John Boehner discussing ways to PREVENT RON PAUL from becoming chairman

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ericsnow, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Monetary Policy: Fed Critic Ron Paul's Power Play - BusinessWeek

    Call these numbers over and over again...

    Contact John Boehner:
    (513)-779-5400 or (202)225-4000

    Fox News contact number - 1-888-369-4762
    Contact Us - FOX News -

    Send the article link and quote to these emails so it gets more coverage.
  2. How about, no?
  3. Nothing a little medicine can't fix, dont worry though he went in his sleep from old age
  4. This.

    Ron Paul is evil, we need to keep him from exposing our friends on Wall Street. Nothing is more important than preserving their cartel.
  5. Most of these people in politics are scum.

  6. You mean this hasn't already been done without his help?
  7. Just out of curiousity, why would we call Fox?

    They've been marching to the partisan drum since forever. I'd think third party news would be more into this story.

    But fuck Boehner

  8. I know Glenn Beck hates the Fed and AFAIK likes Paul, wonder if he's been let known about this shit. As much as people hate him he's got a really big soapbox and a lot of people listen to him who also would support RP...

  9. via dailypaul
  10. Nowhere near as long as the left wing, Democrat media. I bet you wish for the days of old when liberal opinions weren't challenged?
  11. Kinda off topic but thought I would share. For anyone who truly values America and what it stands for should support Ron Paul. He changed my life when it comes to politics. Dont listen to what others say about him but watch some of his debates or video speeches. He knows his shit and is probably the only politician that is looking out for the constitution and liberty instead of their corporate\wall street masters. Yes some of his Ideas seem "wacky" but if you hear him out on them it makes so much more sense then whats going on now.
  12. I like how his views are "radical" but what we have now is "normal"?


  13. "A radical is one who speaks the truth."
    \t\tAuthor: Charles A. Lindbergh

  14. Well put. Thanks. :smoke:
  15. just the fact that.....they dont want him to have that position,,,,

    should give the PEOPLE enogh evidence that he NEEDS that position.....

    anything they consider bad for them,,,, is good for the people,,,,

    shit 3 years ago people couldnt get enogh of RON PAUL,,, now all of a sudden hes BAD ??????why???:confused:
  16. Because he doesn't go by the rules of the current "republican" or "Conservative" "Neo-teaparty" regime. He's the good ole school Conservative type.
  17. i think thats what america needs right now???????:cool:

  18. "Traditionally, the chairman slot goes to the most senior member of the party in power who does not have another leadership spot on another committee"

    Whaddya know, the establishment puts another of their own in a position of power, just because that's what's always been done. Keeping tradition in order to keep the tradition of keeping the tradition :rolleyes:

    Disappointed in our "leadership," once again, but what's new?

    Just burn the whole fucking thing to the ground :mad:
  19. It seems I was mistaken the other day.

    Paul was never looking to become the financial services committee chairman. He was trying to become the chair of the monetary policy subcommittee which he did get. Please forgive me for any confusion I may have caused.:eek:

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